Man pages for FrankBaut/geospatial

angleCalculates the angle between two geopositions with respect to...
angle_colorGiven an angle between 0 and 360 degrees, return a color
bounding_boxGiven a central geopoint, draw a bounding box with the...
dt.haversineCalculates the separation distance between two geopoints...
filter_bboxFilter geopoints that fall in a bounding box
geo_nearestPointsGet the nearby points given a radius
georadiusGet lat lon points in a circunference given a central...
grapes-do-grapesreconstred_route reconstruccion de rutas con geoposicoones en...
InPolypointsInPolypoints Fill a polygon with random points inside.
maxigraphComponetGiven the disconnected components of a network, the network...
nodedge_list2igraphA function to produce an “igraph” object with the “nodelist”...
pipePipe operator with which you may pipe a value forward into an...
recons_inoutJoin several gepositions by means of the shortest route in a...
reconsted_route_fnreconstred_route reconstruccion de rutas con geoposicoones en...
truncRemove decimals from a value (significant numbers)
FrankBaut/geospatial documentation built on Nov. 27, 2020, 12:11 p.m.