Man pages for GL-Li/totalcensus
Extract Decennial Census and American Community Survey Data

convert_fips_to_namesconvert fips codes to names of a geographies
dict_acs1_geocomponentList of geographic components used in ACS 1 year surverys
dict_acs1_summarylevelList of summary levels used in ACS 1 year surverys
dict_acs1_tableList of summary levels used in ACS 1 year surverys
dict_acs5_geocomponentList of geographic components used in ACS 5 year surverys
dict_acs5_summarylevelList of summary levels used in ACS 5 year surveys
dict_acs5_tableList of summary levels used in ACS 5 year surverys
dict_acs_geoheader_2005_1yearList of geographic headers used in 2005 ACS 1 year survey
dict_acs_geoheader_2006_2008_1yearList of geographic headers used in 2006 - 2008 ACS 1 year...
dict_acs_geoheader_2009_1yearList of geographic headers in 2009 ACS 1 year survey
dict_acs_geoheader_2009_5yearList of geographic headers used in ACS 5 year survey ending...
dict_acs_geoheader_2010List of geographic headers used in 2010 ACS 1 and 5 year...
dict_acs_geoheader_2011_nowList of geographic headers used in American Community Survey...
dict_all_geocomponent_2000List of all geographic components, 2000 version
dict_all_geocomponent_2010List of all geographic components, 2010 version
dict_all_summarylevelList of all summary levels
dict_cbsaList CBSA code of Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan...
dict_decennial_geocomponent_2000List of geographic components and codes in census 2000
dict_decennial_geocomponent_2010List of geographic components and codes in census 2010
dict_decennial_geoheader_2000List of geographic headers in census 2000
dict_decennial_geoheader_2010List of geographic headers in census 2010
dict_decennial_summarylevel_2000Summary levels available in Census 2000
dict_decennial_summarylevel_2010Summary levels available in Census 2010
dict_decennial_table_2000Complete list of 2000 census tables
dict_decennial_table_2010Complete list of 2010 census tables
dict_fipsList of FIPS code as of 2016 in the US
download_censusdownload census data
download_generated_dataDownload data generated from Census 2010
lookup_acs1year_2005ACS 1-year 2005 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2006ACS 1-year 2006 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2007ACS 1-year 2007 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2008ACS 1-year 2008 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2009ACS 1-year 2009 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2010ACS 1-year 2010 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2011ACS 1-year 2011 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2012ACS 1-year 2012 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2013ACS 1-year 2013 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2014ACS 1-year 2014 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2015ACS 1-year 2015 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2016ACS 1-year 2016 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2017ACS 1-year 2017 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2018ACS 1-year 2018 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs1year_2019ACS 1-year 2019 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2009ACS 5-year 2009 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2010ACS 5-year 2010 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2011ACS 5-year 2011 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2012ACS 5-year 2012 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2013ACS 5-year 2013 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2014ACS 5-year 2014 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2015ACS 5-year 2015 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2016ACS 5-year 2016 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2017ACS 5-year 2017 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2018ACS 5-year 2018 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2019ACS 5-year 2019 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2020ACS 5-year 2020 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_acs5year_2021ACS 5-year 2021 file segment and table lookup data
lookup_decennial_2000Lookup data files and table contents of Census 2000
lookup_decennial_2010Lookup data files and table contents of Census 2010
read_acs1yearRead summary file 1 of ACS 1-year estimates
read_acs5yearRead ACS 5-year estimates
read_decennialRead decennial census data
search_cbsaSearch Core Based Statistical Area (CBSA)
search_fipsSearch FIPS Codes
search_geocomponentsSearch Geographic Components
search_geoheadersSearch Geographic Headers
search_summarylevelsSearch Summary Levels
search_tablecontentsSearch Table Contents
search_tablesSearch Tables
set_path_to_censusSet file path to directory storing downloaded census data
states_DCVector of the abbreviations of 50 states and DC
table_content_acs1year_all_yearsACS 1-year table contents of all years
GL-Li/totalcensus documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 9:07 p.m.