Man pages for GegznaV/BioStat
Routines for Basic (Bio)Statistics

adjust_named_vectorMatch positions of a vector and dataset colum names.
adjust_vector_lengthCheck and adjust length of vector according to the number of...
all_chr_to_factor*!!* Convert all character variables to factors
biostatA Collection of Functions for Biostatistics and Biometry...
bs_freq_table_contFrequency table for continuous data
ci_mean_bootBasic nonparametric bootstrap confidence interval of mean
ci_mean_tt-distribution based confidence interval of mean
coef_standardized*!!* Compute Standardized Regression Coefficients
deprecated_functionsDeprecated functions in 'biostat' package
do_summaryDo numerical summaries by groups
eval_eval text as a command
format_numbersFormat values of numeric columns in a dataframe.
format_p_values*!!!* Format p-values
gg_boxplot_plus*!!* A boxplot with additional components
head_tail*!!* Show several first and last rows of a data frame
is_uniqueTest which values are/are not unique in a vector
make_cldMake a compact letter display (cld) for pair-wise comparison
make_cld_df*!!* Make a data frame with cld
min_numericMin for numeric vectors or NA othervise
objects_of_classList objects of a certain class.
parse_formulaParse model formula.
posthoc_anova*!!* Post-hoc tests for ANOVA and Welch ANOVA
qq_data*!!* Compute data for a qq-plot
qq_line_coeffsCompute a slope and an intercept for a reference line in a...
qq_plot*!!* A QQ-plot for multiple groups
rbind_df_in_listRow-bind data frames which are inside a list and keep the...
scale_vectorScale a vector
standardize_pathStandardize string with path
stat_normal_densityA ggplot2 layer that fits and plots normal density function
summary_funs*!!* Descriptive statistics
test_normalityNormality tests by groups
tidy_ggedit_codeExtract and tidy code from ggedit object.
trimTrim certain proportion of the most extreme values
GegznaV/BioStat documentation built on Aug. 14, 2020, 9:30 p.m.