Man pages for GoreLab/waves
Vis-NIR Spectral Analysis Wrapper

aggregate_spectraAggregate data based on grouping variables and a...
filter_spectraFilter spectral data frame based on Mahalanobis distance
format_cvFormat multiple trials with or without overlapping genotypes...
get_modeInternal utility functions
ikeogu.2017Example vis-NIRS and reference dataset
plot_spectraPlot spectral data, highlighting outliers as identified using...
predict_spectraUse provided model object to predict trait values with input...
pretreat_spectraPretreat spectral data according to user-designated method
renameFunctions renamed in waves 0.2.0
save_modelSave spectral prediction model and model performance...
test_spectraTest the performance of spectral models
train_spectraTrain a model based predict reference values with spectral...
GoreLab/waves documentation built on April 15, 2024, 3:28 p.m.