Man pages for HCBravoLab/Wrench
Wrench normalization for sparse count data

dot-estimSummaryObtain robust means. .
dot-getCondLogWeightsLog Postive-conditional weight computations for wrench...
dot-getCondWeightsPostive-conditional weight computations for wrench...
dot-getHurdleObtains logistic fits for presence/absence and fitted...
dot-getMargWeightsMarginal weight computations for wrench estimators.
dot-getReferenceThis function generates the reference.
dot-gets2Obtain variances of logged counts.
dot-getWeightedMeanGet weighted means for matrix
dot-getWeightedMedianGet weighted median for matrix
wrenchNormalization for sparse, under-sampled count data.
HCBravoLab/Wrench documentation built on May 13, 2019, 5:35 p.m.