annual_longest_spell | Annual Longest Spell |
climatic_extremes | Calculate extremes from climatic data |
climatic_missing | Summarise missing data in a data frame |
climatic_summary | Calculate summaries from climatic data |
climdex | Title |
climdex_single_station | Title |
convert_to_dec_deg | Title |
daily_niger | Daily weather measurements from Niger |
dd_to_dms | Title |
dekad | Get the dekad component of a date-time object |
export_cdt | Export daily or dekadal data in the format for CDT |
export_cdt_daily | Export daily data in the format for CDT |
export_cdt_dekad | Export dekad data in CDT format |
export_climat_messages | Export CLIMAT messages file(s) from daily data |
export_climdex | Export data in the format for RClimDex |
export_geoclim | Export dekad or pentad data in GeoCLIM format |
export_geoclim_dekad | Export dekad data in GeoCLIM format |
export_geoclim_month | Export monthly data in GeoCLIM format |
export_geoclim_pentad | Export pentad data in GeoCLIM format |
fourier_series | Title |
get_lat_from_data | Get the latitude coordinate from the data |
get_lon_from_data | Get the longitude coordinate from the data |
histogram_plot | Produce a histogram of elements by station. |
import_from_iri | Import data from IRI (International Research Institute for... |
inventory_plot | Produce an inventory of available and missing data |
inventory_table | Create Inventory Table |
lat_lon_dataframe | Get the latitude and longitude coordinates from a data frame |
multiple_nc_as_data_frame | Title |
nc_as_data_frame | Title |
nc_get_dim_min_max | Title |
output_CPT | Outputs data in the format for the CPT software |
pentad | Get the pentad component of a date-time object |
pipe | Pipe operator |
plot_inventory_data | Produce an bar chart of frequencies of missing data |
prepare_cdt | Prepare data in format for CDT |
prepare_cdt_daily | Prepare CDT for Daily data |
prepare_cdt_dekad | Prepare data in format for CDT |
prepare_climdex | Prepare data in the format for RClimDex |
prepare_geoclim | Prepare dekad or pentad data in GeoCLIM format |
prepare_geoclim_dekad | Prepare dekad data in GeoCLIM format |
prepare_geoclim_month | Prepare monthly data in GeoCLIM format |
prepare_geoclim_pentad | Prepare pentad data in GeoCLIM format |
spei_input | Title |
spei_output | Title |
spells | Running spell length |
stations_niger | Details of eleven weather stations in Niger |
summarise_inventory_data | Title |
timeseries_plot | Produce a timeseries graph |
windrose | Windrose from the clifro package |
wwr_export | Title |
yday_366 | Get the 366-based day of the year of a date |
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