Man pages for IDEMSInternational/cdms.products
Tool for the Analysis of Historical Climatic Data

annual_longest_spellAnnual Longest Spell
climatic_extremesCalculate extremes from climatic data
climatic_missingSummarise missing data in a data frame
climatic_summaryCalculate summaries from climatic data
daily_nigerDaily weather measurements from Niger
dekadGet the dekad component of a date-time object
export_cdtExport daily or dekadal data in the format for CDT
export_cdt_dailyExport daily data in the format for CDT
export_cdt_dekadExport dekad data in CDT format
export_climat_messagesExport CLIMAT messages file(s) from daily data
export_climdexExport data in the format for RClimDex
export_geoclimExport dekad or pentad data in GeoCLIM format
export_geoclim_dekadExport dekad data in GeoCLIM format
export_geoclim_monthExport monthly data in GeoCLIM format
export_geoclim_pentadExport pentad data in GeoCLIM format
get_lat_from_dataGet the latitude coordinate from the data
get_lon_from_dataGet the longitude coordinate from the data
histogram_plotProduce a histogram of elements by station.
import_from_iriImport data from IRI (International Research Institute for...
inventory_plotProduce an inventory of available and missing data
inventory_tableCreate Inventory Table
lat_lon_dataframeGet the latitude and longitude coordinates from a data frame
output_CPTOutputs data in the format for the CPT software
pentadGet the pentad component of a date-time object
pipePipe operator
plot_inventory_dataProduce an bar chart of frequencies of missing data
prepare_cdtPrepare data in format for CDT
prepare_cdt_dailyPrepare CDT for Daily data
prepare_cdt_dekadPrepare data in format for CDT
prepare_climdexPrepare data in the format for RClimDex
prepare_geoclimPrepare dekad or pentad data in GeoCLIM format
prepare_geoclim_dekadPrepare dekad data in GeoCLIM format
prepare_geoclim_monthPrepare monthly data in GeoCLIM format
prepare_geoclim_pentadPrepare pentad data in GeoCLIM format
spellsRunning spell length
stations_nigerDetails of eleven weather stations in Niger
timeseries_plotProduce a timeseries graph
windroseWindrose from the clifro package
yday_366Get the 366-based day of the year of a date
IDEMSInternational/cdms.products documentation built on July 7, 2023, 10:13 a.m.