Man pages for INWT/INWTUtils
Utility functions used by INWT

adjust_lint_locationCorrecting Lint Locations
checkStyleCheck code style
deletePkgsUninstall package from all libraries
exceptInCommentsFirst part of a regular expression to exclude the pattern if...
extract_double_space_nodesExtract nodes with incorrect double spaces
formatBigNumbersFormat Big Numbers
generalLintersGeneral linters
get_code_lintsExtract lints from code
get_comment_nodes_with_prior_codeExtract lints between code and comments
INWTLintersINWT's own linters
makePctCreate percentage from share
pkgFunLintersPackage function linters
read_csvRead csv file checking for correct row number
rmPkgsRemove non-standard packages from searchpath
scriptLintersScript linters
selectLintersList of linters to check INWT style conventions
showLibsList libraries where package is installed
INWT/INWTUtils documentation built on May 22, 2024, 4:45 p.m.