Man pages for ITSLeeds/osmextractr
Download and Import Open Street Map Data Extracts

bbbike_zonesAn sf object of geographical zones taken from
geofabrik_zonesAn sf object of geographical zones taken from
oe_cleanClean download directory
oe_downloadDownload a file given a url
oe_download_directoryReturn the download directory used by the package
oe_findGet the path of .pbf and .gpkg files associated with an input...
oe_getFind, download, translate and read OSM extracts from several...
oe_get_boundaryGet the administrative boundary for a given place
oe_get_keysReturn keys and (optionally) values stored in "other_tags"...
oe_get_networkImport transport networks used by a specific mode of...
oe_matchMatch input place with a url
oe_match_patternCheck patterns in the provider's databases
oe_providersSummary of available providers
oe_readRead a .pbf or .gpkg object from file or url
oe_searchSearch for a place and return an sf data frame locating it
oe_updateUpdate all the .osm.pbf files saved in a directory
oe_vectortranslateTranslate a .osm.pbf file into .gpkg format
openstreetmap_fr_zonesAn sf object of geographical zones taken from...
osmextract-packageosmextract: Download and Import Open Street Map Data Extracts
read_polyRead a '.poly' file.
test_zonesAn sf object of geographical zones taken from...
ITSLeeds/osmextractr documentation built on Nov. 25, 2024, 1:27 p.m.