Man pages for JAGoodrich/jag2
Jesse's Commonly Used USC Functions

avg_sd_fxnGet formatted character vector of the average +/- SD.
clean_ftClean Raw Feature Table
cuberootCalculate cubed root
effest_ciGet formatted character with effect estimate and 95% CI
full_data_cleaningClean LC-MS Data
fungmGet formatted character with geometric mean and 95% CI
fungsdGet formatted character with geometric mean and sd
median_iqr_fxnGet formatted character vector of the Mean (IQR).
npctGet formatted character with n and percent from a factor,...
p_actGeneralized P-Act Function
qntle_fxnGet quantiles for exposure concentrations. Returns a...
reformat_namesReformat author names for CV
rename_exposuresRename exposures, including PFAS and lipophilic pops.
superpathway_keyPathway to superpathway key
JAGoodrich/jag2 documentation built on May 16, 2024, 12:13 a.m.