Man pages for JEFworks/MUDAN
Multi-sample Unified Discriminant ANalysis

cleanCountsFilter a counts matrix
clusterBasedBatchCorrectBatch correct within identified groups using ComBat
fastPcaDerive principal components by SVD
getApproxComMembershipGet clusters by community detection on approximate nearest...
getComMembershipGet clusters by community detection on approximate nearest...
getConfidentPredsUse LDA model posteriors to retain only confident predictions
getDifferentialGenesDifferential expression analysis (adapted from PAGODA2)
getPcsDimensionality reduction by PCA
getStableClustersIterative merging of clusters along tree until stable
getVariableGenesGet variable genes
mergePredsListMerge a list of group annotations
modelLdaLinear discriminant analysis model
MudanR6 object for storing all relevant output from MUDAN analysis...
normalizeCountsNormalizes counts to CPM
normalizeVarianceNormalize gene expression variance relative to...
pbmcAFrozen PBMCs (Donor A)
pbmcBFrozen PBMCs (Donor B)
pbmcCFrozen PBMCs (Donor C)
plotEmbeddingPlot 2D embedding
predictLdsPredict LD embedding for new dataset given old model and gene...
referenceAnnotAnnotations for sorted CD14+ Monocytes CD19+ B Cells, CD34+...
referenceCountsSorted CD14+ Monocytes CD19+ B Cells, CD34+ Cells, CD4+...
tsneLdaRun tSNE on LDs from model
JEFworks/MUDAN documentation built on June 19, 2021, 6:46 a.m.