Man pages for JunLiuLab/SIMPLEs
SIMPLEs: single-cell RNA sequencing imputation and cell clustering methods by modeling gene module variation

chuSingle cell RNASeq and bulk RNASeq data of human embryonic...
do_imputeSampling multiple copies of imputed values and cell factors...
EM_imputeMonte Carlo EM algorithm for imputation and clustering
init_imputeInitialize imputation for each individual gene
init_impute_bulkInitialize imputation for each individual gene with known...
selectKMWrapper of SIMPLE or SIMPLE-B to select optimal K and M based...
SIMPLESIMPLE: Imputing zero entries and clustering for scRNASeq...
SIMPLE_BImpute zero entries and clustering for scRNASeq data...
ztruncnormFit a zero-inflated censored normal distribution.
JunLiuLab/SIMPLEs documentation built on March 18, 2021, 3:10 a.m.