addClass | Add a Class to an Object |
addRowWithName | Add a Row with a Name |
addSuffixToColumns | Add Suffix to Column Names |
allAreEqual | are all elements in x the same? |
allAreIdentical | Are all list elements identical to each other? |
almostEqual | Compare Numerical Vectors with Tolerance |
appendSuffix | Append Suffix to (Selected) Character Values |
arglist | Merge Argument Lists or Arguments |
argsCsv | Language Abbreviation to "sep" and "dec" argument |
arrayToDataFrame | Convert Array to Data Frame |
asColumnList | Matrix to List of Matrix Columns |
asNoFactorDataFrame | Convert to Data Frame without Factors |
asRowList | Matrix to List of Matrix Rows |
assertFinalSlash | Make Sure that Strings End With Slash |
assertRowsAndColumns | Assert Row and Column Names of a Matrix |
assignAll | Call assign for each List Element |
assignArgumentDefaults | Assign Argument Default Values in the Global Environment |
assignGlobally | assignGlobally |
assignObjects | Assign Package Functions to the Global Environment |
assignPackageObjects | Assign all Package Objects to the Global Environment |
atLeastOneRowIn | At least one row in data frame |
backspace | String of n Backspaces |
breakInSequence | Find "Breaks" in a Sequence of Numbers |
callWith | Call a Function with Given Arguments |
callWithData | Call a Function with Argument Combinations from a Data Frame |
callWithStringsAsFactors | Call a Function with Option "stringsAsFactors" set... |
catAndRun | Print Debug Messages Before and After Running Code |
catChanges | Print Differences Between Two Vectors |
catChangesIf | Print Differences Between Two Vectors if Condition is Met |
catchWarning | Return Warning Message in Attribute |
catIf | Call cat If Condition Is Met |
catLines | Print Character Vector to the Console |
catNewLineIf | Print New Line Character to the Console if Condition is Met |
checkForMissingColumns | Check for Column Existence |
clearConsole | Clear the R Console |
clipMatrix | Remove Leading/Trailing Empty Rows/Columns from Matrix |
cmdLinePath | Path in Quotes for Usage in Command Line |
collapsed | Shortcut to paste(x, collapse = collapse) |
colMaxima | Columnwise Maxima |
colMinima | Columnwise Minima |
colNaNumbers | Columnwise Number of NA |
colStatisticOneFunction | Apply Function to All Columns |
colStatistics | Column Statistics |
columnDescriptor | Column Descriptor |
columnToDate | Convert Column in Data Frame To Date |
columnwisePercentage | Columnwise Percentage |
combineAlternatingly | Combine Two Vectors Alternatingly |
commaCollapsed | Paste With Collapse = "," |
commonNames | Common Names in two Objects with Names Attribute |
compareDataFrames | Compare two data frames by columns |
compareSets | Compare the values in two vectors |
containsNulString | Check for nul String in File |
convertCsvFile | Modify the format of a CSV file |
copyAttributes | Copy Attributes Between Two Objects |
copyDirectoryStructure | Copy Directory Structure |
copyListElements | Copy List Elements into a List of Lists |
countNaInColumn | Count NA in one Column of a Data Frame |
countOrSum | Count or Sum Up Values Within Groups of rows |
createAccessor | Create Function to Safely Access Data Frame Columns or List... |
createDirAndReturnPath | Create a Directory including required "upward" Folders |
createDirectories | Create Directories |
createDirectory | Create Directory if it does not exist |
createFunctionAssignObjects | Create Function to Provide Package Objects in Global... |
createFunctionExtdataFile | Create Function to Compose Path in Package |
createIdAlong | Create Unique Identifiers along Input Vector |
createMatrix | Matrix with Row and Column Names |
createPasswordFile | Create a File Storing a Password in Encrypted Form |
createStorage | Create Storage Object to Save/Load .rds or .RData files |
csvTextToDataFrame | CSV Text to Data Frame |
decode | Decode a Vector of Character |
defaultIf | Return a Default Value for Values Meeting a Condition |
defaultIfNA | Default Value if Object is NA |
defaultIfNULL | Default Value if Object is NULL |
defaultIfZero | Default Value if Object is 0 (zero) |
defaultLevels | Default Factor Levels |
defaultWindowsProgramFolders | Default Windows Program Folders |
desktop | Path to Your Desktop |
diffrows | Differences between Matrix Rows |
DIN.A4 | Width and Height of a DIN A4 Paper |
directoryName | Safe Version of Base Function dirname() |
dot-log | Write Log Message to Console |
dot-logline | Write Log Message and New Line Character to Console |
dot-logok | Write "ok" and New Line Character to Console |
dot-logstart | Write Log Message to Console if in Debugging Mode |
dot-OStype | see tools:::.OStype |
dropDim | Drop Array Dimension(s) of Length One |
dropUnusedFactorLevels | Drop Unused Factor Levels in all Factor Columns |
encode | Encode a Vector of Character |
enlargeVector | Enlarge a Vector to Given Length |
excludeNULL | Exclude all NULL Entries from a List |
expandGrid | Wrapper around expand.grid |
extdataFile | Path to File in Installed Package |
extendLimits | Extend the Limits of a Range Vector |
extractRowRanges | Extract Row Ranges by Pattern |
extractSubstring | Extract Substrings Defined by Regular Expressions |
fileExtension | Get Extension of Full File Paths |
findChanges | Find Value Changes in a Vector |
findPartialDuplicates | Find Paritally Duplicated Rows in a Data Frame |
finishAndShowPdf | Close Device and Open PDF File in Viewer |
finishAndShowPdfIf | Finish and Display PDF File if Condition is Met |
firstElement | First Element |
firstPosixColumn | data/time column of data frame |
frenchToAscii | French Unicode Letter to ASCII Letter(s) |
frequencyTable | Number of value occurrences in columns |
fullWinPath | Windows-Compatible Expanded File Path |
fullySorted | Sort a Data Frame by all of its Columns |
generateKeyFile | Generate a Decryption Key File |
getAttribute | Safely get the Attribute of an Object |
getByPositiveOrNegativeIndex | Get Vector Elements by Positive or Negative Index |
getElementLengths | Get the Lenghts of List Elements |
getEvenNumbers | Get even Numbers out of a Vector of Integers |
getFunctionValueOrDefault | Function Value or Default if NA |
getGlobally | getGlobally |
get_homedir | Get File Path of User's Home Directory |
getKeywordPositions | Localise Keywords in Data Frame |
getListNode | Get List Element in Nested List Structure by Path |
getNamesOfObjectsInRDataFiles | Deprecated. Use 'listObjects' instead. |
getObjectFromRDataFile | Deprecated. Please use 'loadObject' instead. |
getOddNumbers | Get odd Numbers out of a Vector of Integers |
getPassword | Get Encrypted Password from File Using Key |
getPathsAndValuesFromRecursiveList | Get Paths and String Values from Recursive List |
getTagNames | Find <tag>-tags in string |
guessSeparator | Guess Column Separator Used in File |
guessSeparator.1 | Guess Column Separator (Version 1) |
guessSeparator.2 | Guess Column Separator (Version 2) |
hasFinalSlash | Does a String End with Slash? |
hasZeroLength | Does an Object Have a Length of Zero? |
headtail | Print First and Last Rows of a Data Frame |
hsAddMissingCols | Add missing Columns to a Data Frame |
hsChrToNum | Character to Numeric |
hsCountInStr | Count Pattern in String |
hsDelEmptyCols | Delete empty Columns of Data Frame |
hsMatrixToListForm | Convert "Matrix Form" (wide format) to "List Form" (long... |
hsMovingMean | Moving Mean |
hsOpenWindowsExplorer | Open Windows Explorer |
hsPrepPdf | Prepare Writing of PDF File |
hsQuoteChr | Quote Character Strings |
hsRenameColumns | Rename Columns in a Data Frame (deprecated) |
hsResolve | Resolve Placeholders in Dictionary |
hsRestoreAttributes | Restore Object Attributes |
hsSafeName | Non-existing desired name |
hsShell | Wrapper around "shell" |
hsShowPdf | Open PDF file in PDF viewer |
hsStringToDate | Convert String to Date |
hsStringToDouble | Convert String to Double |
hsSubstSpecChars | Deprecated. Use 'substSpecialChars' instead. |
hsSystem | Wrapper around "system" |
hsTrim | Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces |
hsValidValue | Value in Correct English/German Notation? |
indent | Indentat a String (Add Spaces to the Left) |
inRange | check for values within minimum and maximum value |
insertColumns | Insert new Column(s) into a Data Frame |
intToNumeralSystem | Convert Integers to Numeral System |
isASCII | Do Strings Consist only of ASCII Characters? |
isDotOrDoubleDot | Does a string end with one or two dots (".", "..")? |
isEvenNumber | Check for Even Numbers |
isLoaded | Has a Script Been Loaded (with source)? |
isNaInAllColumns | isNaInAllColumns |
isNaInAllRows | isNaInAllRows |
isNaOrEmpty | NA or the empty string ""? |
isNetworkPath | Does the Path Represent a Network Path? |
isNullOrEmpty | isNullOrEmpty |
isOddNumber | Check for Odd Numbers |
isTryError | Does an Object Inherit from "try-error"? |
is.unnamed | Are List Elements Unnamed? |
lastElement | Last Element |
left | Left Part of a String |
leftSubstringEquals | Is Left Substring of X Equal To Y? |
limitToRange | Limit Values to Interval |
linearCombination | Linear Combination of a Matrix |
listObjects | Get Names of Objects in .RData files |
listToDepth | List Elements Recursively up to Depth |
loadFunctions | Load Functions from Scripts into Attached Namespace |
loadObject | Load R object from .RData file |
mainClass | Main Class of an Object |
makeUnique | Make Duplicated Character Strings Unique adds ".1", ".2",... |
matchesCriteria | Do Data Frame Row Match Given Criteria? |
matrixToDataFrame | Convert a Matrix to a Data Frame (in "Long" Format) |
maxStringLength | Maximum String Length in Vector of Character |
mergeAll | Merge Multiple Data Frames |
mergeLists | Merge Lists Overriding Elements of the Same Name |
mergeNamedArrays | Merge List of Named Arrays |
moveColumnsToFront | Move Columns to the Left |
moveToFront | Move elements to the start of a vector |
movingSum | movingSum |
msgAvailableFields | Message Listing Available Fields |
multiColumnLookup | Lookup by Matching Values in Multiple Columns |
multiSubstitute | Multiple Substitutions |
mySystemTime | Elapsed Time of a Function Call |
nameByElement | Name List Elements by Sublist Element |
namedVectorFromColumns | Create Named Vector from two Columns of a Data Frame |
namedVectorToDataFrame | Convert a Named Vector to a Data Frame |
naToLastNonNa | Replace NA With "Last" non-NA |
nNA | Number of NA values |
noFactorDataFrame | Create Data Frame without Factors |
noSuchElements | Message on Missing Elements |
nUnique | Number of Unique Values |
objectSize | Object Size and Sizes of Sub Structures in Mb |
objectToText | Convert R Object to Text Representation |
orderBy | Order a Data Frame by One or more Columns |
orderDecreasinglyBy | Order Data Frame Decreasingly by one Column |
pairwise | Reorder Strings So That Matching Strings are Neighbours |
parallelNonNA | Merge two Vectors selecting non-NA Values |
pasteColumns | Paste Columns of Data Frame With Separator |
pasteColumns0 | Paste Columns of Data Frame Without Separator |
percentage | Percentage |
percentageOfMaximum | Percentage of Maximum |
percentageOfSum | Percentage of the Sum of Values |
posixColumnAtPosition | Indices of POSIX columns in a Data Frame |
preparePdf | Open PDF Device with DIN A4 Dimensions by Default |
preparePdfIf | Prepare PDF File if Condition is Met |
printable_chars | Different Sets of Printable ASCII Characters |
printIf | Call Print If Condition Is Met |
print.repro_sample | Print Method for Object of Class "repro_sample" |
quotient | Quotient |
randomMatrix | Create a Matrix with Random Integer Values |
randomValuesWithSum | Vector of random Integer Values of given Sum |
rangeToSequence | Create Sequence from Range |
rbindAll | rbind all data frames given in a list |
readArglists | Read Argument Lists from CSV File |
readCsvInputFile | Read CSV File Giving Column Descriptions |
readDictionaries | Read Dictionary Files into a List of Dictionaries |
readDictionary | Read Dictionary from Text File |
readLinesWithEncoding | Read Lines by Giving the File Encoding |
readPackageFile | Read File from Package's extdata Folder |
recursiveNames | names of all sublists of a list |
recycle | "Recycle" Vector to given Length |
relativeCumulatedSum | Relative Cumulated Sum |
removeAttributes | Remove all or selected Attributes of an Object |
removeColumns | Remove Columns from a Data Frame |
removeDuplicates | Remove Duplicated Values from a Vector |
removeElements | Remove Elements from a List |
removeEmpty | Remove Empty Elements from Vector |
removeEmpty2 | Remove Empty Elements from Vector of Character |
removeEmptyColumns | Remove empty Columns from a Data Frame |
removeExtension | Remove File Name Extension |
removeLeadingSlashes | Remove Leading Slashes of Strings |
removeSpaces | Remove all Spaces in String(s) |
renameAndSelect | Rename and Select Columns of a Data Frame |
renameColumns | Rename Columns in a Data Frame |
repeated | Repeated Substring |
replaceFileExtension | Replace File Name Extension |
reproducibleSample | Reproducible Call to the Sample Function |
resetRowNames | Reset row names to 1:n |
resolve | Resolve String(s) Using a Dictionary |
resolveAll | Resolve all Placeholders in a Dictionary |
revertListAssignments | Revert List Assignments |
right | Right Part of a String |
roundColumns | Round Columns to given Number of Digits |
rowOrColumnwisePercentage | Rowwise or Columnwise Percentage |
rowwisePercentage | Rowwise Percentage |
rStylePath | R compatible file path |
runBatchfileInDirectory | Run a Batch File in a given Directory |
runInDirectory | Change Working Directory and Run Function |
safeColumnBind | "Safe" version of cbind. |
safeMerge | Merge By Checking Column Existence |
safePath | Stop if Path does not Exist |
safeRowBind | "safe" rbind |
safeRowBindAll | "safe" rbind of all data frames in a list |
safeRowBindOfListElements | row-bind data frames in a list of lists |
selectColumns | Select Columns from a Data Frame |
selectElements | Select (and Rename) Elements from List |
setColumns | Set the column(s) of a data frame |
setLoaded | Set the "loaded" Status for a Script |
setMatrixColumns | Set Matrix Columns to Values |
shorten | Shorten Strings to a Maximum Length |
showPackageObjects | Show Names of Objects/Functions in a Package |
sourceScripts | Load R Scripts with 'source' |
space | Space String Used for Indentation |
splitAlongDim | Split Array Along a Dimension |
splitIntoFixSizedBlocks | Split into Blocks of Same Size |
splitIntoLines | Split Text at End of Line Characters Into Lines |
startsToEnds | Helper Function: Start Indices to End Indices |
startsToRanges | Row Numbers of Start Rows to From/To Row Ranges |
stopFormatted | Stop Function Exectution With Formatted Message |
stopIfNotMatrix | Stop with a Message if Input is not a Matrix |
stringContains | stringContains |
stringEndsWith | stringEndsWith |
stringList | String of Comma Separated Quoted Strings |
stringStartsWith | stringStartsWith |
stringToExpression | Convert String to Expression |
subExpressionMatches | Find and Extract Regular Expressions from Strings |
substSpecialChars | Substitution of Special Characters |
tableLookup | Lookup Value for Key in Table |
tempSubdirectory | Create and Return Path to Subdirectory in tempdir() |
textToObject | Convert Text Representation Back to R Object |
toConditional | Convert Function to Function that is Called if Condition is... |
toFactor | Convert to Factor with unique Values as Levels |
toFormula | Create Formula from Left and Right Term Strings |
toInches | Convert Centimeters to Inches |
toKeysAndValues | Key Value String to List of Keys and Values |
toLookupClass | Keys and Values to Lookup Structure |
toLookupList | Keys and Values to Lookup List |
toLookupTable | Keys and Values or List to Lookup Table |
toNamedList | Convert to List with Names Equal to List Elements |
toPdf | Let Expressions Plot into a PDF File |
toPositiveIndices | Negative Indices to Positive Indices |
underscoreToPercent | Replace underscore with percent sign |
uniqueDirnames | Unique Directory Names |
unmerge | Invert the Merging of two Data Frames |
user | Name of the Current User |
warnIfEmpty | warnIfEmpty |
warningDeprecated | Create Warning About a Deprecated Function |
windowsPath | convert to MS Windows-compatible path |
writeDictionary | Write a Dictionary (List) to a Text File |
writeText | Write Text Lines to a File |
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