Man pages for KWB-R/wasserportal
R Package with Functions for Scraping Data of Wasserportal Berlin

base_url_downloadHelper function: base url for download
columns_to_labelsCreate Text Labels from Data Frame Columns
get_api_tablesProvide Tables of Wasserportal API Documentation
get_daily_surfacewater_dataGet Daily Surfacewater Data: wrapper to scrape daily surface...
get_groundwater_dataGet Groundwater Data
get_groundwater_optionsHelper function: get groundwater options
get_overview_optionsWasserportal Berlin: get overview options for stations
get_stationsGet Stations
get_station_variablesHelper function: get available station variables
get_surfacewater_qualitiesGet Surface Water Quality for Multiple Monitoring Stations
get_surfacewater_qualityGet Surface Water Quality for One Monitoring Station
get_surfacewater_variablesHelper function: get surface water variables
get_wasserportal_master_dataWasserportal Berlin: get master data for a single station
get_wasserportal_masters_dataWasserportal Berlin: get master data for a multiple stations
get_wasserportal_stationsGet Names and IDs of the Stations of
get_wasserportal_stations_tableWasserportal Berlin: get stations overview table
get_wasserportal_variablesGet Names and IDs of the Variables of
list_data_to_csv_or_zipHelper function: list data to csv or zip
list_masters_data_to_csvHelper function: list masters data to csv
list_timeseries_data_to_zipHelper function: list timeseries data to zip
pipePipe operator
readHelper function to read CSV
readPackageFileRead CSV File from Package's "extdata" Folder
read_wasserportalDownload and Read Data from
read_wasserportal_rawRead Wasserportal Raw
wasserportal_base_urlHelper function: Base Url of Berlin Wassersportal
wp_masters_data_to_listWasserportal Master Data: download and Import in R List
wp_timeseries_data_to_listWasserportal Time Series Data: download and Import in R List
KWB-R/wasserportal documentation built on June 6, 2024, 10:26 a.m.