Man pages for KateMMiller/forestMIDNarch
Package for importing, joining and querying MS Access based MIDN forest database tables.

calcStrStagecalcStrStage: calculate structural stage for each plot
exportCSVexportData: Export Access tables in global enviroment to .csv
importCSVimportCSV: Import NETN forest data that are formated as .csv...
importDataimportData: Import tables directly from MIDN forest database
joinCWDDatajoinCWDData: compile coarse woody debris data.
joinLocEventjoinLocEvent: merges Location and Event level data with...
joinMicroShrubDatajoinMicroShrubData: compiles shrub data collected in...
joinQuadDatajoinQuadData: compiles quadrat species data
joinRegenDatajoinRegenData: compiles seedling and sapling data
joinStandDatajoinStandData: compile stand data
joinTreeDatajoinTreeData: compiles tree data
makeSppListmakeSppList: creates a species list for each plot
sumQuadGuildssumQuadGuilds: summarizes quadrat species data by guilds
sumSapDBHDistsumSapDBHDist: calculates DBH distribution of saplings
sumTreeDBHDistsumTreeDBHDist: calculates DBH distribution of trees
theme_FVMtheme_FVM: custom ggplot2 theme for forestMIDN
treeMaptreeMap: creates plot of trees by status and size
treeMapPreptreeMapPrep: prepares tree data for treeMap (internal...
KateMMiller/forestMIDNarch documentation built on April 9, 2021, 3:50 p.m.