Man pages for LCBC-UiO/MOAS
MOAS convenience functions

add_lcbc_logoAdd LCBC logo to plot
anonymize_moasAnonymise the MOAS
baseColsMOAS base columns
check_tpCheck subject timepoint
clean_DFCleans data from SPSS into a data.frame
dataMOAS mock example data
dbs_addAdd DBS data to data frame
dbs_getGet DBS information from a file
deselect_sensitiveDeselect sensitive columns
docs_paradigm_order_chapterOrder the chapters of the Paradigm documentation
docs_paradigm_pageCreate new chapter for the Paradigm documentation
docs_project_order_chapterOrder the chapters of the Paradigm documentation
docs_project_pageCreate new chapter for the Project documentation
epigen_addAdd epigenetic data to MOAS like data
epigen_getGet epigenetic data
filter_siteUtility function for reducing double/triple scans to a single...
filter_trainingexposedFilter out when a participant has trained
fix_dupsNA replacement in duplicated columns
fs_lmmCreate a data.frame that is ready for use in Freesufers...
inbody_addAdd InBody data to data
inbody_add_allAdd all InBody data from folder to data
inbody_getGet InBody data
inbody_get_allGet all Inbody data from folder
inbody_readRead InBody data
launch_check_tpLaunch shiny app to find subject timepoint
launch_LCBCshinyFunction to launch the LCBC shiny data explorer
lcbc_colsFunction to extract lcbc colors as hex codes
lcbc_logo_grobLCBC logo graphics object
lcbc_palReturn function to interpolate a lcbc color palette
mutate_agesCalculates ages based on birthdates and test/MRI dates
mutate_mean_dateCalculate or infer the mean data for data collected
mutate_sensitiveAlter sensitive columns to make them less sensitive
na_col_rmUtility function to remove columns with no data
pgs_addAdd PGS data to the MOAS
pgs_add_allAdd all PGS data to the MOAS
pgs_add_singleAdd single PGS data to the MOAS
pgs_getRead in and sort PGS data
pgs_get_allGet all PGS's
pgs_get_singleRead in and sort a single PGS profile
pgs_readRead in a PGS file
project_colsFunction to extract project colors as hex codes
project_palReturn function to interpolate a project color palette
ProjectsMOAS Projects
scale_color_lcbcColor scale constructor for lcbc colors
scale_color_projColor scale constructor for proj colors
scale_colour_lcbcColour scale constructor for lcbc colors
scale_colour_projColour scale constructor for proj colors
scale_fill_lcbcFill scale constructor for lcbc colors
scale_fill_projFill scale constructor for proj colors
select_sensitiveSelect sensitive columns
site_keeperDeprecated, use filter_site
SitesMOAS sites
theme_lcbcggplot minimal theme for lcbc
theme_lcbc_darkggplot minimal theme for lcbc
theme_lcbc_dark_gridggplot dark theme for lcbc
theme_lcbc_dark_voidggplot minimal theme for lcbc
theme_lcbc_gridggplot theme for lcbc
theme_lcbc_voidggplot minimal theme for lcbc
tsdifyCreates TSD folder names for MRI data location, or project...
variablesMOAS variables
widenWiden the MOAS data.frame
LCBC-UiO/MOAS documentation built on Aug. 28, 2023, 3:29 a.m.