Man pages for LTLA/rebook
Re-using Content in Bioconductor Books

bioc-imagesGet various Bioconductor images
bookCacheGet the local book cache
buildChapterGraphBuild the chapter dependency graph
chapterPreambleExecute chapter preamble code
collapseStartPrint the collapse opening and ending
compileBookCompile the book
compileChapterCompile a Rmarkdown file
configureBookHelper configuration function for books
createMakefileCreate a compilation Makefile
createRedirectsCreate redirection pages
deployCustomCSSDeploy a custom CSS
extractCachedExtract cached objects
extractFromPackageExtract cached objects from package's Rmarkdown files
linkCreate a link to a different book
openingDetailsReport opening details about the book
prettySessionInfoPretty session info
rmd2idGet the chapter identifier
scrapeDependenciesScrape dependencies
scrapeReferencesScrape references from a 'bookdown' directory
setupHTMLSet up HTML elements
updateDependenciesUpdate the dependencies
LTLA/rebook documentation built on June 5, 2023, 6:24 p.m.