Man pages for LieberInstitute/DeconvoBuddies
Helper Functions for LIBD Deconvolution

create_cell_colorsCreate a cell color palette for plots
DeconvoBuddies-packageDeconvoBuddies: Helper Functions for LIBD Deconvolution
est_propTest Estimated Cell Type Proportions
fetch_deconvo_dataDownload Human DLPFC Deconvolution Data
findMarkers_1vAllCalculate 1 vs. All standard fold change for each gene x cell...
get_mean_ratioGet Mean Ratio for Each Gene x Cell Type
make_test_sceSimulate a SingleCellExperiment for testing.
marker_testMarkers stats from sce_DLPFC_example
plot_composition_barCreate barplot of average cell type composition
plot_gene_expressPlot the gene expression of a list of genes in a SCE object
plot_marker_expressPlot gene expression violin plots for top marker genes for...
plot_marker_express_ALLPlot the top marker genes for ALL cell types
plot_marker_express_ListPlot a nested list of genes as a multi-page pdf
RNAScope_propCell Type Proportions estimated from RNAScope
rse_bulk_testTest bulk rse dataset
sce_abToy SCE object for testing
LieberInstitute/DeconvoBuddies documentation built on March 1, 2025, 11:03 p.m.