Man pages for LivingNorway/LivingNorwayR
Creates a Darwin Core Standard compliant data archive ("a data package") for biodiversity data

DwCArchiveR6 DwC archive class
DwCGenericR6 DwC Generic class
DwCMetadataR6 metadata class
DwCTermDWCTerm object
GBIFAmplificationR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFChronometricAgeR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFChronometricDateR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFClassLookupLookup up a GBIF class environment from a qualified name
GBIFCloningR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Cloning...
GBIFDescriptionR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Description...
GBIFDistributionR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFdnaDerivedDataR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFEOLMediaExtensionR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFEOLReferencesExtensionR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFEventR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Event...
GBIFExtendedMeasurementOrFactR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFGelImageR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF GelImage...
GBIFGermplasmAccessionR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFGermplasmSampleR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFIdentificationR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFIdentifierR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Identifier...
GBIFImageR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Image...
GBIFLoanR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Loan...
GBIFMaterialSampleR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFMeasurementOrFactR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFMeasurementScoreR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFMeasurementTraitR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFMeasurementTrialR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFMultimediaR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Multimedia...
GBIFOccurrenceR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Occurrence...
GBIFPermitR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Permit...
GBIFPreparationR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Preparation...
GBIFPreservationR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFReferenceR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Reference...
GBIFReleveR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Releve...
GBIFResourceRelationshipR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFSpeciesProfileR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFTaxonR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF Taxon...
GBIFTypesAndSpecimenR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
GBIFVernacularNameR6 class representing a data structure for a GBIF...
generateIDCheck tag ID Check values given as IDs for EML tag. It the...
generateTagIDCheck tag ID Check values given as IDs for EML tag. It the...
getDefaultEMLDefinitionInfoRetrieve the default namespace definition information used...
getGBIFAmplificationMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFAmplificationTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFChronometricAgeMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFChronometricAgeTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFChronometricDateMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFChronometricDateTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFCloningMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF Cloning...
getGBIFCloningTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFCoreClassesClass retrieval function
getGBIFDescriptionMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFDescriptionTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFDistributionMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFDistributionTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFdnaDerivedDataMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFdnaDerivedDataTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFEOLMediaExtensionMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFEOLMediaExtensionTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFEOLReferencesExtensionMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFEOLReferencesExtensionTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFEventMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF Event...
getGBIFEventTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFExtendedMeasurementOrFactMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFExtendedMeasurementOrFactTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFExtensionClassesExtention retrieval function
getGBIFGelImageMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF GelImage...
getGBIFGelImageTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFGermplasmAccessionMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFGermplasmAccessionTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFGermplasmSampleMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFGermplasmSampleTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFIdentificationMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFIdentificationTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFIdentifierMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFIdentifierTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFImageMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF Image...
getGBIFImageTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFLoanMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF Loan...
getGBIFLoanTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMaterialSampleMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMaterialSampleTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementOrFactMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementOrFactTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementScoreMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementScoreTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementTraitMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementTraitTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementTrialMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMeasurementTrialTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMultimediaMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFMultimediaTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFOccurrenceMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFOccurrenceTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFPermitMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF Permit...
getGBIFPermitTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFPreparationMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFPreparationTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFPreservationMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFPreservationTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFReferenceMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFReferenceTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFReleveMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF Releve...
getGBIFReleveTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFResourceRelationshipMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFResourceRelationshipTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFSpeciesProfileMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFSpeciesProfileTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFTaxonMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF Taxon...
getGBIFTaxonTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFTypesAndSpecimenMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFTypesAndSpecimenTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFVernacularNameMembersReturn a list of properties associated with the GBIF...
getGBIFVernacularNameTermReturn the information of the term associated with the GBIF...
getLNportalDataFunction for getting data from the Livng Norway Portal
getTagGenerationFunctionsRetrieve the tag generation functions Get a full list of...
initializeDwCArchiveCreate a new 'DwCAchive' object
initializeDwCGenericInitialize a new DwCGeneric object
initializeDwCMetadataInitialise a metadata object from an import file
initializeGBIFAmplificationInitialize a new GBIF Amplification object
initializeGBIFChronometricAgeInitialize a new GBIF ChronometricAge object
initializeGBIFChronometricDateInitialize a new GBIF ChronometricDate object
initializeGBIFCloningInitialize a new GBIF Cloning object
initializeGBIFDescriptionInitialize a new GBIF Description object
initializeGBIFDistributionInitialize a new GBIF Distribution object
initializeGBIFdnaDerivedDataInitialize a new GBIF dnaDerivedData object
initializeGBIFEOLMediaExtensionInitialize a new GBIF EOLMediaExtension object
initializeGBIFEOLReferencesExtensionInitialize a new GBIF EOLReferencesExtension object
initializeGBIFEventInitialize a new GBIF Event object
initializeGBIFExtendedMeasurementOrFactInitialize a new GBIF ExtendedMeasurementOrFact object
initializeGBIFGelImageInitialize a new GBIF GelImage object
initializeGBIFGermplasmAccessionInitialize a new GBIF GermplasmAccession object
initializeGBIFGermplasmSampleInitialize a new GBIF GermplasmSample object
initializeGBIFIdentificationInitialize a new GBIF Identification object
initializeGBIFIdentifierInitialize a new GBIF Identifier object
initializeGBIFImageInitialize a new GBIF Image object
initializeGBIFLoanInitialize a new GBIF Loan object
initializeGBIFMaterialSampleInitialize a new GBIF MaterialSample object
initializeGBIFMeasurementOrFactInitialize a new GBIF MeasurementOrFact object
initializeGBIFMeasurementScoreInitialize a new GBIF MeasurementScore object
initializeGBIFMeasurementTraitInitialize a new GBIF MeasurementTrait object
initializeGBIFMeasurementTrialInitialize a new GBIF MeasurementTrial object
initializeGBIFMultimediaInitialize a new GBIF Multimedia object
initializeGBIFOccurrenceInitialize a new GBIF Occurrence object
initializeGBIFPermitInitialize a new GBIF Permit object
initializeGBIFPreparationInitialize a new GBIF Preparation object
initializeGBIFPreservationInitialize a new GBIF Preservation object
initializeGBIFReferenceInitialize a new GBIF Reference object
initializeGBIFReleveInitialize a new GBIF Releve object
initializeGBIFResourceRelationshipInitialize a new GBIF ResourceRelationship object
initializeGBIFSpeciesProfileInitialize a new GBIF SpeciesProfile object
initializeGBIFTaxonInitialize a new GBIF Taxon object
initializeGBIFTypesAndSpecimenInitialize a new GBIF TypesAndSpecimen object
initializeGBIFVernacularNameInitialize a new GBIF VernacularName object
isDwCGenericTest whether an object is derived from DwCGeneric
LNabstractAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNaddTagGenerate a Living Norway metadata tag Add a metadata HTML...
LNaddTranslationAdd a translation to a data tag
LNalternateIdentifierAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNbeginDateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNboundingCoordinatesAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNcalendarDateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNcityAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the city...
LNcommonNameAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNcontactAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the contact...
LNcoverageAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNcreatorAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the creator...
LNdatasetAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the dataset...
LNdeliveryPointAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNeastBoundingCoordinateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNelectronicMailAddressAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNendDateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the endDate...
LNgeographicCoverageAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNgeographicDescriptionAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNgivenNameAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNindividualNameAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNintellectualRightsAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNkeywordAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the keyword...
LNkeywordSetAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNkeywordThesaurusAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNlanguageAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNmetadataProviderAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNmethodStepAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNnorthBoundingCoordinateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNorganizationNameAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNpositionNameAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNpostalCodeAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNpubDateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the pubDate...
LNpurposeAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the purpose...
LNqualityControlAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNrangeOfDatesAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNsamplingAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNsamplingDescriptionAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNsouthBoundingCoordinateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNstudyExtentAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNsurNameAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the surName...
LNtaxonomicClassificationAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNtaxonomicCoverageAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNtaxonRankNameAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNtaxonRankValueAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNtemporalCoverageAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
LNtitleAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the title...
LNwestBoundingCoordinateAdd a Living Norway metadata tag corresponding to the...
processChildArgsProcess the child-parent metadata tags Create a series of...
retrieveDwCClassSpecificationsRetrieve classes and their related terms used by Darwin core
retrieveDwCTermSpecificationsRetrieve terms used by Darwin core
retrieveEMLSchemaRetrieve an EML schema and convert it into an R list that can...
retrieveGBIFClassSpecificationsRetrieve classes and their related terms used by GBIF
searchGBIFCoreClassesfunction to search GBIFCoreClasses
searchGBIFEventMembersfunction to search GBIFEventMembers
searchGBIFExtensionClassesfunction to search GBIFExtensionClasses
searchGBIFOccurenceMembersfunction to search GBIFOccurrenceMembers
LivingNorway/LivingNorwayR documentation built on Jan. 11, 2024, 5:07 a.m.