Man pages for LucaOffice/lucar
Prepare Survey Data from LUCA Office

add_user_created_mailsAdding User Created Mails to the Scenario Elements
aggregate_duplicatesAggregate event data from a single participation
aggregate_eventsAggregate Event Data
aggregate_events_internalAggregate event data from a single participation
construct_element_codeHelper function to assign the running event code for elements...
event_codesStandard workflow coding
get_event_listGetting the workflow data from a single participation
get_intensity_sumAggregate intensity values in a new vector
get_logdata_summaryBasic summary from the Logdata of a Participation
get_project_modulesGetting the project module IDs and their titles
get_questionnaire_dataAnswer Data of the Questionnaires from a Single Participation
get_questionnaire_elementsGetting the questionnaire elements from a project
get_raterGetting the list of raters assigned in this project
get_sample_companiesGetting the sample companies, their titles, and description
get_scenario_elementsGetting the scenario elements from a project
getTimeFormatting time data
import_basic_codingHelper function to import tables including the basic coding...
insert_idle_eventsInserts event that are marked as idle
lucar-packagelucar: Prepare Survey Data from LUCA Office
prepare_lsdPrepares Survey Data from LUCA Office for secondary Analyses
tool_codesStandard tool coding.
write_lsdSave Survey Data from LUCA Office Using a Specified Write...
write_lsd_csvSave Survey Data from LUCA Office in CSV Files
write_unique_eventsHelper function to construct a table including the...
LucaOffice/lucar documentation built on Dec. 5, 2023, 5:14 a.m.