Man pages for LukasWallrich/timesaveR
Functions to Accelerate (Academic) Data Analysis and Reporting

add_classAdd class
add_package_snippetsExport package-specific R snippets
clip_excelCopy data to clipboard to paste into Excel
cor_matrixCalculate correlation matrix with significance tests and...
cor_matrix_miCreate a (weighted) correlation matrix from multiply imputed...
cut_pCut a continuous variable into given proportions
dot-floor_ceilingHelper function to round up and down in turn
dot-is.numeric_colTests whether a column in dataframe, specified by string, is...
dummy_codeDummy-code variable
dump_to_clipDump objects to clipboard (to transfer them between R...
dupl_itemsGet duplicated items from a vector
ess_healthSample data: health data from the European Social Survey Wave...
fmt_ciFormat confidence interval based on the bounds
fmt_corFormat number as correlation coefficient
fmt_labels_mdA convenience function to render markdown to html in row and...
fmt_pFormat p-value in line with APA standard (no leading 0)
fmt_pctFormat fraction as percentage string
get_coef_rename_tribbleGet code to rename model coefficients in summary tables
get_pairwise_lettersGet letters to indicate results of multiple...
get_rename_tribblesGet code to generate tibbles to rename categorical variables...
ggsave_showSave ggplot-graph and show in folder
glance.miraGlance a multiple imputation 'mice' pooled object
gt_add_plotsAdd plots into gt table column
gt_apa_styleHelper function to style gt-table in APA style
knit_print.timesaveR_raw_htmlKnitr S3 method to print tables
line_to_vectorTurn a Line of Items into a Vector or c() Code
lm_stdlm() with standardised continuous variables
make_scaleCreate a scale by calculating item mean and returns...
make_scale_miCreate a scale based on multiple imputation at item level
make_scalesCreate multiple scales by calculating item means and return...
mira.lm_F_testReport F-test for significance of multiply imputed lm models
na_ifsSet variable to NA when it has specific values
named_listCreate a list with items named based on the names of...
na_shareCalculate share of NA-values in vector
na_whenSet variable to NA based on conditions
package-deprecatedCreate a correlation matrix from multiply imputed data with...
paired_t_test_dPaired t.test with Cohen's d
pairwise_t_test_miPairwise t-tests() on multiply-imputed data (accepts survey...
pairwise_t_testsPairwise t-tests() returned in tidy dataframe
paste_Paste arguments while ignoring NAs
pcor_matrixCalculates a partial correlation matrix controlling for one...
pipePipe operator
plot_distributionsCreate distribution charts to show in descriptive table
plot_mediationPlot mediation model with one or more mediators
plot_moderated_mediationPlot a moderated mediation model
polr_stdpolr() with standardised continuous variables
print.timesaveR_raw_htmlRenders HTML code for Viewer pane
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rename_cat_variablesRename variables and/or their levels
report_anovaReport (model comparison) ANOVA tests
report_cat_varsCreate a summary table for categorical variables and their...
report_cor_tableCreate a correlation table with summary statistics in APA...
report_lm_with_stdCreate a summary table comparing standardized and...
report_polr_with_stdCreate a summary table comparing standardized and...
round_Round function that returns trailing zeroes
round_dfRound all numeric columns in dataframe
run_and_formatRun a code snippet and copy formatted code and output to...
run_mediationConduct (parallel) mediation analysis
scale_blankScales a vector and returns it without attributes
setup_analysis_projectSet up analysis project folder and script files
sigstarsSignificance stars for p-values
spearman_brownCalculate Spearman-Brown reliability for two-item scale
svy_cohen_d_pairt.test for survey object with Cohen's d
svy_cor_matrixCreate a correlation matrix from survey data with summary...
svy_make_scaleCreate scale by calculating item mean and returns...
svy_miss_var_summaryCreate overview over missing data in survey object
svy_pairwise_t_testPairwise t.tests with effect sizes and survey weights
tidy.cor_matrixTidy a correlation matrix
tidy.miraTidy multiple imputation models created with 'mice'
tidy.svy_cor_matrixTidy a survey-weighted correlation matrix
tidy.tsR_stdHelper function to enable tidiers to be used on standardized...
timesaveRFunctions to Accelerate (Academic) Data Analysis and...
to_tribbleConvert a tibble/dataframe to tribble code
t_test_mit-test() on multiply-imputed data (accepts survey weights)
WVSSample data: World Values Survey
LukasWallrich/timesaveR documentation built on Nov. 29, 2024, 4:47 a.m.