Man pages for MCMaurer/MCMsBasics
Helps Michael Culshaw-Maurer Get Stuff Done

beta_halfeye_plotMake a halfeye ggplot for all beta values from a 'brms' model
cars_mpgFuel economy data for cars from 1984-2020
distinct_colsSelect only unique columns
geom_tufteboxGeom for Tufte-style minimal boxplots
gghistQuickly make a ggplot histogram from a dataframe and variable...
ggskimCreate ggplots to quickly explore data
minimal_ggplot_themeA nice minimal ggplot theme
nice_namesMake the names nice
quantile_breaksGet a vector of quantile values from a vector
quantile_transA transformation function to be used in ggplot2 scales
scale_x_quantileSet the x axis scale to continuous with quantile breaks
scale_y_quantileSet the y axis scale to continuous with quantile breaks
theme_mcmA light ggplot theme for MCM's personal use
theme_mcm_darkA dark ggplot theme for MCM's personal use
toggle_errorToggle error handling between rlang::entrace() and recover()
vector_histQuickly make a ggplot histogram from a single vector
MCMaurer/MCMsBasics documentation built on July 5, 2024, 11:38 p.m.