Man pages for MarkJBrewer/plateau
Fit plateau climate envelopes in species distribution models for presence/absence data

envelope.plotPlot the plateau envelopes produced by 'fit.glm.env' and...
env.fnEvaluate the plateau envelope function
fit.bugs.envFit a spatial, Bayesian, plateau envelope model via MCMC in...
fit.bugs.nospatial.envFit a spatial, Bayesian, plateau envelope model via MCMC in...
fit.glm.envFit a plateau envelope via a (non-spatial) GLM and non-linear...
generate.initial.valuesGenerate initial values for plateau envelopes
glm.env.fnCalculate deviance of plateau envelope via GLM
map.plotPlot maps showing predictions for a given set of climate...
plateau-packageFit plateau climate envelopes in species distribution models...
write.bugs.modelWrite WinBUGS code to a temporary file
MarkJBrewer/plateau documentation built on May 7, 2019, 3:35 p.m.