Man pages for MartinLHazelton/DynamicLatticeBasis
Dynamic Lattice Bases for Z-Polytope Sampling

BX2wayBook-crossing 2-way contingency table data
BXno3wayBook-crossing 3-way contingency table data
effectiveSizeEffective sample size
is_circuitCheck whether basis vectors are circuits
is_wholenumberChecking for integer values
LondonRoadLondon Road network tomography data
remove_redundancyRemove redundancy frrom linear system
um_partitionCheck whether partitions of the figuration matrix are...
XGibbsFront ends for Xsampler
XMarkovBasis_GibbsFront ends for Xsampler
XMarkovBasis_MHFront ends for Xsampler
XMHFront ends for Xsampler
XsamplerZ-polytope sampler for linear inverse problems
YangNetworkYang's network tomography data
MartinLHazelton/DynamicLatticeBasis documentation built on March 1, 2024, 3:14 a.m.