Man pages for MassDynamics/lfq_processing
Processes Proteomics Files for Quantification.

assembleComparisonConditionMappingThis is called in Limma to create a mapping for comparison...
decodeComparisonConditionMappingThis function orchestrates the conversion of encoded strings...
des_tmt_PXD019880TMT Data processed with MaxQuant
detect_exp_typeDetect Experiment Type
example_lfq_her2_targetted_therapy_tablesHER2 Targetted Therapy processed MaxQuant Data
getDownConditionThis function uses the condition comparison mapping to get...
get_names_qc_lfq_allMaxQuant LFQ full QC plots names
get_names_qc_lfq_protein_onlyMaxQuant FQ protein-only QC plots names
get_names_qc_tmt_protein_onlyMaxQuant TMT protein-only QC plots names
getOriginalFromSafeThis function is a decoder utility that uses the conditions...
get_protein_vizPrint a Protein Visualization JSON file.
getUpConditionThis function uses the condition comparison mapping to get...
impute_lfqimpute LFQ data
lfq_quant_analysisRun Pairwise Protein Quantification on a level of LFQ...
lfq_transformerRun Pairwise Protein Quantification on each level of LFQ...
limma_stats_funThis function performs the differential expression analysis...
oneProteinReplDataTransform data for one protein from a long format to the...
phospho_enrichment_quantRun Phosphosite Quantification on each level of Maxquant...
protein_groups_tmt_PXD019880TMT Data processed with MaxQuant
protein_quant_runnerRun Pairwise Protein Quantification and Quality Control on...
render_separate_qcsRender separate QC reports
tmt_transformerRun Pairwise Protein Quantification on each level of TMT...
write_outputWrite Output of quantitative analysis
writeReplicateDataWrite Protein counts and intensities json
MassDynamics/lfq_processing documentation built on May 4, 2023, 11:20 p.m.