Man pages for MathiasHarrer/metapsyTools
Several R Helper Functions For The "Metapsy" Database

addTrialArmInfoAdd information that varies between trial arms as extra...
binaryESCalculate Hedges' g binary outcome data.
calculateEffectSizesCalculate effect sizes
changeESCalculate Hedges' g based on change data.
checkConflictsCheck for (potential) data format conflicts
checkDataFormatCheck data format
createStudyTableCreate study table
database2021SubsetThe 'database2021Subset' dataset
DetectString detection wrapper
expandMultiarmTrialsExpand multiarm trials
filterPoolingDataFilter data to be pooled for meta-analysis
filterPriorityRuleFilter data based on a priority rule
includeSwitchedArmsInclude information of rows with switched reference group
inpatientsThe 'inpatients' dataset with 32 clinical trials
meanSDCalculate Hedges' g using Mean and Standard Deviation.
metapsyFindOutliersFind Statistical Outliers in a Meta-Analysis
metapsyInfluenceAnalysisInfluence Diagnostics
metapsyNNTCalculate NNTs
metapsyToolsmetapsyTools: Companion R package for the 'Metapsy' database
metaRegressionMeta-Regression method for objects of class...
metaRegression.metaMeta-Regression method for objects of class...
metaRegression.rmaMeta-Regression method for objects of class...
multiarmExpanderExpander function for multiarm trials
pipePipe operator
plot.runMetaAnalysisPlot method for objects of class 'runMetaAnalysis'.
plot.subgroupAnalysisPlot method for objects of class 'runMetaAnalysis'.
print.checkConflictsPrint method for the 'checkConflicts' function
print.runMetaAnalysisPrint method for objects of class 'runMetaAnalysis'.
print.subgroupAnalysisPrint method for objects of class 'subgroupAnalysis'.
psyCtrSubsetThe 'psyCtrSubset' dataset
psyCtrSubsetWideThe 'psyCtrSubset' dataset (wide format)
runMetaAnalysisRun different types of meta-analyses
subgroupAnalysisRun subgroup analyses
summary.runMetaAnalysisShow details of 'runMetaAnalysis' class objects.
MathiasHarrer/metapsyTools documentation built on May 1, 2022, 5:14 p.m.