Man pages for MazamaScience/AirMonitorPlots
Plot Utilities for the AirMonitor Package

brandPlotAdd a logo to a ggplot object
custom_aqiLinesAdd AQI lines to a plot
custom_aqiStackedBarAdd AQ category stacked bars to a plot
custom_datetimeScaleAdd date scale with custom styling
custom_pm25DiurnalScalesUSFS AirFire PM2.5 diurnal scales
custom_pm25TimeseriesScalesUSFS AirFire PM2.5 timeseries scales
dot-nowcastCalculate NowCast values
geom_pm25PointsAdd pm25 points to a plot
ggplot_pm25DiurnalCreate a pm25 diurnal ggplot
ggplot_pm25TimeseriesCreate a pm25 timeseries ggplot
monitor_ggCalendarCalendar plot
monitor_ggDailyBarplotCreate a daily barplot for one or more monitors
monitor_ggDailyBarplot_archivalCreate an archival daily barplot for one or more monitors
monitor_ggDailyByHourCreate a diurnal plot for one or more monitors
monitor_ggDailyByHour_archivalCreate an archival diurnal plot for one or more monitors
monitor_ggDailyHourlyBarplotCreate a Daily-Hourly plot for many monitors
monitor_ggTimeseriesCreate a timeseries plot for one or more monitors
monitor_ggTimeseries_archivalCreate an archival timeseries plot for one or more monitors
monitor_isTidyCheck if data is tidy-formatted mts_monitor data
monitor_toTidyConvert mts_monitor data to a tidy format
pipePipe operator
stat_AQCategoryAdd air quality categories to a plot
stat_dailyAQCategoryAdd daily average air quality categories to a plot
stat_meanByHourAdd hourly averages to a plot
stat_nowcastAdd NowCast values to a plot
theme_airfireTheme for AirFire plots
theme_custom_sizeCustom styling for plots based on size
theme_dailyBarplot_airfireTheme for AirFire daily barplot for use in the monitoring...
theme_dailyByHour_airfireTheme for AirFire dailyByHour plot for use in the monitoring...
theme_dailyHourlyBarplot_airfireTheme for AirFire Daily Hourly Barplot
theme_timeseriesPlot_airfireTheme for AirFire timeseries plots for use in the monitoring...
MazamaScience/AirMonitorPlots documentation built on May 8, 2024, 6:16 a.m.