Man pages for MomX/Momocs2
Modern Morphometrics and Shape Manipulation

babelConvert between numeric and classes systems
botSome bottles
coe_listCreate list of coe_single
coe_singleCreate single coefficients
coo_alignAlign shapes
coo_baselineBaseline shapes
coo_centerCenter shapes
coo_closeClose and unclose shapes
coo_listCreate list of coo_single
coo_reflectReflect shapes
coo_revReverse coordinates
coo_rotateRotate shapes
coo_rotatecenterRotate shapes and specify center
coo_sampleSample shapes
coo_sample_rrSample shapes using the regular radius method
coo_scaleScale shapes
coo_shearShear shapes
coo_singleCreate single shape made of coordinates
coo_slideSlide coordinates
coo_smoothSmooth shapes
coo_smooth_curveSmooth shapes but preserve tips
coo_splitSplit shapes on speficied coordinates
coo_templateTemplates shapes
coo_transTranslate shapes
coo_trimTrim coordinates from shape
coo_upRetains coordinates based on their x/y sign
decentDecent default values
dfourierDiscrete cosine transform
drawAdd shapes on top of another plot
efourierElliptical Fourier transforms
euclideanEuclidean distance helpers
geometryGeometry helpers –
get_centposCalculate centroid position
get_centsizeCalculate centroid size
get_ldkExtract landmark coordinates
get_lwCalculate length and width of a shape
get_nbCalculate the number of coordinates per shape
get_perim_alongCalculate perimeter and variations
get_rangeGet shape range
ggUniversal graphics functions
heartsOutlines of hearts
inspectGraphical inspection of shapes
list_columnsList columns verbs
Momocs2-packageMomocs2: Modern Morphometrics and Shape Manipulation
mom_tblDeclare MomX tibble
mosaicPlot all shapes as a mosaic
multi-assignAssign values to names
npolyNatural polynomials
oleaOutlines of olea stones
opolyOrthogonal polynomials
pickPick a single coo_df from a mom_tbl
pilePlot all shapes on the same graph
pipePipe operator
pressFlatten coe list columns
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
slivePick a single row from a tbl
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
tidyeval_helpersTidyeval helpers
unfoldUnfold list columns
MomX/Momocs2 documentation built on May 13, 2020, 4:28 a.m.