Man pages for MultiBUGS/multibugstests
Tools for Testings MultiBUGS/R2MultiBUGS

all_models_in_dirExtract names of all models in Examples
appveyor_reporterReport result of test for Appveyor
appveyor_reporter_postReport "post" results to Appveyor
appveyor_reporter_preReport "pre" results to AppVeyor
appveyor_reporter_setupReport "setup" results to AppVeyor
appveyor_reporter_wrapupReport "wrapup" results to the console
bugs_exampleRun a single Example
bugs_example_compareRun a single Example
bugs_example_multibugsRun an example in MultiBUGS using R2MultiBUGS
bugs_example_openbugsRun an example in OpenBUGS using R2OpenBUGS
bugs_examples_allRun all Examples
check_against_openbugsSimply check that the model ran
check_simply_ranSimply check that the model ran
custom_copy_and_returnCopy a custom file to current working directory
custom_fileCreate full paths to arbitrary files in the Examples dir
data_argSet up data file for running
dic_argSpecify whether to monitor DIC or not
fix_founder_argSpecify whether founders should be fixed
inits1_argSet up inits1 file for running
inits_all_argSet up inits file for running
inits_argSet up inits file for running
junit_reporterReport result of test for junit
junit_reporter_postReport "post" results to junit
junit_reporter_preReport "pre" results to junit
junit_reporter_setupReport "setup" results to AppVeyor
junit_reporter_wrapupReport "wrapup" results to the console
load_data_fileLog a simple data file
model_argSetup model file for running
niter_argDefault n.iter for each model
param_to_save_argSpecify which params to monitor
path_to_filenameRemove directory separators from file paths
standard_copy_and_returnCopy a standard file to current working directory
standard_fileConstruct full path to standard Examples files
text_reporterReport result of test to the console
text_reporter_postReport "post" results to the console
text_reporter_preReport "pre" results to the console
text_reporter_setupReport "setup" results to the console
text_reporter_wrapupReport "wrapup" results to the console
tidy_working_dirDelete BUGS files from a working_dir
MultiBUGS/multibugstests documentation built on Feb. 24, 2020, 2:06 p.m.