Man pages for NCEAS/arcticreport
Generate Reporting Metrics for the Arctic Data Center

arcticreport_cacheShow list of cached arcticreport files
count_citationsCount number data citations
count_creatorsCount number of unique creators
count_data_objectsCount number of new data objects
count_datasets_themeCount number of datasets by theme
count_downloadsCount number data downloads
count_new_and_changed_datasetsCount number of new and updated datasets
count_new_datasetsCount number of non-obsoleted metadata objects
count_support_interactionsCount number of support interactions
count_unique_accessorsCount number of people accessing data
count_volumeCount total volume
get_all_versionsGet the PIDs of all versions of an object
plot_cumulative_metricPlot cumulative metric
plot_cumulative_volumePlot cumulative volume of data for the specific time period
plot_theme_adcTheme function for plots
query_filesys_objectsReturn key information on objects stored on the filesystem...
query_objectsReturn key information on all objects on the Arctic Data...
update_annual_tixUpdate text file of annual ticket events
update_ticket_listUpdate text file of all tickets
NCEAS/arcticreport documentation built on July 26, 2024, 11:16 p.m.