Man pages for NMML/crawl
Fit Continuous-Time Correlated Random Walk Models to Animal Movement Data

aic.crwCalculates AIC for all objects of class crwFit listed as...
argosDiag2CovTransform Argos diagnostic data to covariance matrix form
as.flat'Flattening' a list-form crwPredict object into a data.frame
beardedSealsBearded Seal Location Data
crawl-packageFit Continuous-Time Correlated Random Walk Models to Animal...
crw_as_sfCoerce to sf/sfc object
crw_as_tibbleCoerce crawl objects (crwIS and crwPredict) to tibbles
crwMLEFit Continuous-Time Correlated Random Walk Models to Animal...
crwN2ll-2 * log-likelihood for CTCRW models
crwPostISSimulate a value from the posterior distribution of a CTCRW...
crwPredictPredict animal locations and velocities using a fitted CTCRW...
crwPredictPlotPlot CRW predicted object
crwSampleParCreate a weighted importance sample for posterior predictive...
crwSimulatorConstruct a posterior simulation object for the CTCRW state...
detect_timescaleDetect appropriate time scale for movement analysis
displayParDisplay the order of parameters along with fixed values and...
expandPredExpand a time indexed data set with additional prediction...
fillColsFill missing values in data set (or matrix) columns for which...
fix_pathfix_path function id depreciated.
flatten'Flattening' a list-form crwPredict object into a data.frame
harborSealHarbor seal location data set used in Johnson et al. (2008)
harborSeal_sfHarbor seal location data updated since Johnson et al. (2008)
intToPOSIXReverse as.numeric command that is performed on a vector of...
mergeTrackStopMerge a location data set with a dry time (or other stopping)...
northernFurSealNorthern fur seal pup relocation data set used in Johnson et...
pipePipe operator
sub-.crwISGeneric subset/bracket method for crwIS classes
tidy_crwFittidy-like method for crwFit object
NMML/crawl documentation built on Oct. 9, 2024, 11:56 a.m.