Man pages for NewcastleCL/samplers
Particle Metropolis Within Gibbs

accept_progress_barAn altered version of the utils:txtProgressBar that shows...
accept_rateReturn the acceptance rate for new particles across all...
as_mcmcReturn a CODA mcmc object with the required samples
augment_sampler_epsilonAugment existing sampler object to have subject specific...
check_adaptedCheck whether the adaptation phase has successfully completed
check_efficientCheck for efficient proposals if necessary
check_run_stage_argsTest the arguments to the run_stage function for correctness
conditional_parmsObtain the efficent mu and sigma from the adaptation phase...
create_efficientCreate distribution parameters for efficient proposals
extend_samplerExtend the main data store with empty space for new samples
extract_samplesExtract relevant samples from the list for conditional dist...
forstmannForstmann et al.'s data
gen_particlesGenerate proposal particles
gibbs_stepGibbs step of the Particle Metropolis within Gibbs sampler
gibbs_step_errError handler for the gibbs_step call
initInitialise values for the random effects
is.pmwgsTest whether object is a pmwgs
last_sampleCreate a list with the last samples in the pmwgs object
new_sampleGenerate particles and select one to be the new sample
new_sample_errError handler forany error in new_sample function call(s)
numbers_from_proportionCheck and normalise the number of each particle type from the...
particle_drawsGenerate a cloud of particles from a multivariate normal...
particle_select_errError handler for the particle selection call
pmwg-packagepmwg: Particle Metropolis Within Gibbs.
pmwgsCreate a PMwG sampler and return the created object
relabel_samplesRelabel requested burn-in samples as adaptation
riwishThe Inverse Wishart Distribution
run_stageRun a stage of the PMwG sampler
rwishThe Wishart Distribution
sampled_forstmannA sampled object of a model of the Forstmann dataset
sample_storeCreate a new list for storage samples in the pmwgs object
set_epsilonSet default values for epsilon
set_mixSet default values for mix
set_proposalSetup the proposal distribution arguments (if in sample...
test_sampler_adaptedTest that the sampler has successfully adapted
trim_naTrim the unneeded NA values from the end of the sampler
unwindUnwinds variance matrix to a vector
update_epsilonUpdate the subject specific scaling parameters (epsilon)
update_progress_barA function that updates the accept_progress_bar with progress...
windWinds a variance vector back to a vector
NewcastleCL/samplers documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 7:40 a.m.