Man pages for NickSEC/SECAddresses
Read and clean data from SEC 10K and 10Q address files

add_geodataAdd latitude and longitude information to a data frame
all_complianceShow how many companies send in XML reports yearly
backfill_addressesBackfill addresses
clean_10_dataRead and Clean 10K and 10Q address data
draw_stateMap a state's registered companies
draw_usaMap registered companies in the continental USA
plot_statesInteractive bar graph of incorporated companies per state per...
plot_usaInteractive map of registered companies in the continental...
remove_nonUSARemove foreign addresses from address file
state_complianceXBRL Reporting Compliance Graph by State
state_stat2 tables of company statistics by state
NickSEC/SECAddresses documentation built on May 7, 2019, 6:07 p.m.