Man pages for OB7-IRD/furdeb
FUnctions for R DEvelopment and Beyond!

access_dbconnectionConnection with Access database
avdth_position_conversionAVDTH database position conversion
configuration_fileConfiguration file creation and management
data_extractionFunction for data extraction
fao_cwp_shape_manipulationOptimisation function for FAO CWP shape file manipulation
fao_reference_grid_updateSpecific update of the fao reference grid
furdeb-packagefurdeb: FUnctions for R DEvelopment and Beyond!
latitude_longitude_cwp_manipulationConversion function for latitude, longitude and cwp item
latitude_longitude_to_csquareLatitude-longitude to c-square converter
list_logical_mergeLogical merging for list
marine_area_overlayConsistent spatial marine area overlay
pipePipe operator
postgresql_dbconnectionConnection to a PostgreSQL database
save_pigzSave R Object using pigz compression
OB7-IRD/furdeb documentation built on Feb. 7, 2025, 1:32 p.m.