Man pages for OHDSI/SelfControlledCaseSeries
Self-Controlled Case Series

computeMdrrCompute the minimum detectable relative risk
computePreExposureGainPCompute P for pre-exposure risk gain
computeTimeStabilityCompute stability of outcome rate over time
createAgeCovariateSettingsCreate age covariate settings
createCalendarTimeCovariateSettingsCreate calendar time settings
createControlIntervalSettingsCreate control interval settings
createCreateSccsIntervalDataArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createCreateScriIntervalDataArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createCreateStudyPopulationArgsCreate a parameter object for the function...
createDefaultSccsMultiThreadingSettingsCreate default SelfControlledCaseSeries multi-threading...
createEraCovariateSettingsCreate era covariate settings
createExposureCreate exposure definition
createExposuresOutcomeCreate a exposures-outcome combination.
createFitSccsModelArgsCreate a parameter object for the function fitSccsModel
createGetDbSccsDataArgsCreate a parameter object for the function getDbSccsData
createResultsDataModelCreate the results data model tables on a database server.
createSccsAnalysisCreate a SelfControlledCaseSeries analysis specification
createSccsDiagnosticThresholdsCreate SCCS diagnostics thresholds
createSccsIntervalDataCreate SCCS era data
createSccsMultiThreadingSettingsCreate SelfControlledCaseSeries multi-threading settings
createSccsSimulationSettingsCreate SCCS simulation settings
createScriIntervalDataCreate Self-Controlled Risk Interval (SCRI) era data
createSeasonalityCovariateSettingsCreate seasonality settings
createSimulationRiskWindowCreate a risk window definition for simulation
createStudyPopulationCreate a study population
cyclicSplineDesignCreate a design matrix for a cyclic spline
exportToCsvExport SCCSresults to CSV files
fitSccsModelFit the SCCS model
getAttritionTableGet the attrition table for a population
getDataMigratorGet database migrations instance
getDbSccsDataLoad data for SCCS from the database
getFileReferenceGet file reference
getModelOutput the full model
getResultsDataModelSpecificationsGet specifications for SelfControlledCaseSeries results data...
getResultsSummaryGet a summary report of the analyses results
hasAgeEffectDoes the model contain an age effect?
hasCalendarTimeEffectDoes the model contain an age effect?
hasSeasonalityDoes the model contain an age effect?
isSccsDataCheck whether an object is a SccsData object
isSccsIntervalDataCheck whether an object is a SccsIntervalData object
loadExposuresOutcomeListLoad a list of 'ExposuresOutcome' from file
loadSccsAnalysisListLoad a list of sccsAnalysis from file
loadSccsDataLoad the cohort method data from a file
loadSccsIntervalDataLoad the cohort method data from a file
migrateDataModelMigrate Data model
plotAgeEffectPlot the age effect
plotAgeSpansPlot the age ranges spanned by each observation period.
plotCalendarTimeEffectPlot the calendar time effect
plotCalendarTimeSpansPlot the calendar time ranges spanned by each observation...
plotEventObservationDependencePlot time from event to observation end for censored and...
plotEventToCalendarTimePlot the ratio of observed to expected events over calendar...
plotExposureCenteredPlot information centered around the start of exposure
plotSeasonalityPlot the seasonality effect
runSccsAnalysesRun a list of analyses
saveExposuresOutcomeListSave a list of 'ExposuresOutcome' to file
saveSccsAnalysisListSave a list of SccsAnalysis to file
saveSccsDataSave the cohort method data to file
saveSccsIntervalDataSave the cohort method data to file
SccsData-classSCCS Data
SccsIntervalData-classSCCS Interval Data
SelfControlledCaseSeries-packageSelfControlledCaseSeries: Self-Controlled Case Series
simulateSccsDataSimulate SCCS data
uploadResultsUpload results to the database server.
OHDSI/SelfControlledCaseSeries documentation built on Feb. 19, 2025, 9:19 a.m.