catUTF8 | Print the UTF-8 codes of a string. |
createHashmapEnv | Create an environment for hash mapping. |
GBK | GBK character set |
getCharset | Get the current encoding of the locale. |
getWordFreq | Get the word frequency data.frame. |
isBIG5 | Indicate whether the encoding of input string is BIG5. |
isGB18030 | Indicate whether the encoding of input string is GB18030. |
isGB2312 | Indicate whether the encoding of input string is GB2312. |
isGBK | Indicate whether the encoding of input string is GBK. |
isUTF8 | Indicate whether the encoding of input string is UTF-8. |
NTUSD | National Taiwan University Semantic Dictionary |
revUTF8 | Revert UTF-8 string to Chinese character. |
setchs | Set locale to Simplified Chinese. |
setcht | Set locale to Simplified Chinese. |
SIMTRA | Dictionary of simplified and traditional Chinese |
stopwordsCN | Return Chinese stop words. |
strcap | Mixed case capitalizing. |
strextract | Extract matched substrings by regular expression. |
strpad | Pad a string to a specified length with a padding character. |
strstrip | Trim space of a string. |
tmcnTest | Run unit tests. |
toPinyin | Convert a chinese text to pinyin format. |
toTrad | Convert a Chinese text from simplified to traditional... |
toUTF8 | Convert encoding of Chinese string to UTF-8. |
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