Man pages for Pakillo/Carex.bipolar
SDM analyses of bipolar Carex species

combine_predCombine future predictions from a Maxent model
compare_suitab_futu_presCompare future vs present suitability per species
crop_bioregionsCrop raster by bioregions
ensemble_meanAggregate future predictions: Calculate ensemble mean
ensemble_sdAggregate future predictions: Calculate ensemble standard...
plot6mapsPlotting function: six maps
plot_ensemblePlot ensemble mean or standard deviation
read_futclimRead future climate layers
read_presclimLoad present climate
read_pres_suitabRead present suitability raster for all species
regionsAndes and Nearctic biogeographic regions.
Pakillo/Carex.bipolar documentation built on July 27, 2020, 2:09 p.m.