Man pages for R-package/styledTables
R package for easy export of beautifully styled tables to Excel, LaTeX, PNG and PDF

add_html_partAdd html text of table part
AlignmentBug fix in xlsx package (indent != 0 is not supported)
append_latex_table-methodsAppend the LaTeX code for a StyledTable to an existing LaTeX...
asser_color_valueCheck if a variable holds a color value (using non standard...
assert_charCheck if a variable is a character, if not throw an error...
assert_logicalCheck if a variable is a logical, if not throw an error...
assert_numberCheck if a variable is a number, if not throw an error (using...
assert_type_Check if type is as expected (without using non standard...
assert_valueCheck if a variable holds an allowed value (using non...
assert_value_Check if a variable holds an allowed value (without non...
between_vecVectorized version of 'between'
calc_hex_colorCalculate the hex color value from a color name
cellidsDefine cell ids for accessibility
check_validityCheck Validity of StyledCell class sc and return an error...
compare_stylesCompare Styles
concat_functionsConcatenate functions
create_cross_table_body-methodsCreate a styled cross table body
create_cross_table_header-methodsMethod create_cross_table_header
create_htmlCreate the *html* code of a *styledTable*
create_html_tagCreate the text for an html tag opening
create_html_tag_propertyCreate a string defining a property of an html tag
create_html_tag_styleCreate a string defining the style property of an html tag
create_latex_table_body-methodsGenerate the LaTeX code for a StyledTable without...
create_latex_table-methodsGenerate the LaTeX code for a StyledTable
create_sub_tableHelper function that creates a styled sub table
do_call_without_missingCall function with arguments and remove all empty arguments...
eval_closureEval code in closure without scoping problems (memory leaks)
FILL_STYLES_Import the non-exported FILL_STYLES_ from the xlsx package...
format_stat_absolute-methodsMethod format_stat_absolute
format_stat_body-methodsMethod format_stat_body.
format_stat_header-methodsMethod format_stat_header.
format_stat_relative-methodsMethod format_stat_relative
format_stat_sub_heading-methodsMethod format_stat_sub_heading
getStyledCell-methodsMethod getStyledCell
get_xlsx_alignment-methodsMethod get_xlsx_alignment
get_xlsx_border-methodsMethod get_xlsx_border
get_xlsx_cell_protection-methodsMethod get_xlsx_cell_protection
get_xlsx_cell_style-methodsMethod get_xlsx_cell_style
get_xlsx_data_format-methodsMethod get_xlsx_data_format
get_xlsx_fill-methodsMethod get_xlsx_fill
getXlsxFontCellStyle-methodsMethod getXlsxFontCellStyle
ghostconvertCall Ghostscript.
init_text_builderInit a 'text_builder' object, used for incrementally adding...
knit_print.StyledTableKnit-Print StyledTable
lua_remove_filterPandoc argument for adding the *lua filter* 'lua_remove.lua'
merge_cells-methodsMerge multiple cells in a StyledTable object
merge_equal_cells-methodsMerge all cells of StyledTable object whose cell values are...
MissingOrNull-classS4 helper class that summarizes NULL and missing values
pipePipe operator
remove_col-methodsRemove columns from a StyledTable object
remove_missingRemove empty elements from a list
remove_row-methodsRemove rows from a StyledTable object
restrict_fn_envRestrict function environment
sanitizeEscape latex commands
seq_saveImproved 'seq' command that returns an empty vector if lower...
seq_vecImproved 'seq' command which allows an two element vector...
set_bold-methodsSet bold font
set_border_color-methodsSet border color of cells
set_border_position-methodsSet border position of cells
set_excel_boldweight-methodsSet excel_boldweight font
set_excel_border_pen-methodsSet border pen of cells
set_excel_col_width-methodsMethod set_excel_col_width.
set_excel_data_format-methodsSet data format of cells
set_excel_font_name-methodsSet font name for the Excel tables
set_excel_font_size-methodsSet font size for the Excel tables
set_excel_hidden-methodsSet hidden cell
set_excel_locked-methodsSet locked cell
set_excel_pre_process-methodsSet pre processing of cell content for excel table generation
set_excel_row_height-methodsMethod set_excel_row_height.
set_excel_vertical-methodsSet vertical alignment of cells
set_excel_wrapped-methodsSet wrapped cell
set_fill_color-methodsSet fill color of cells
set_font_color-methodsSet font color
set_height_widthFunction to set the...
set_horizontal-methodsSet horizontal alignment of cells
set_htmlDefine the HTML specific properties of a StyledTable class...
set_html_col_width-methodsMethod set_html_col_width.
set_html_pre_process-methodsSet pre processing of cell content for html table generation
set_html_row_height-methodsMethod set_html_row_height.
set_indent-methodsSet indentation of cell content
set_italic-methodsSet italic font
set_latex_col_width-methodsMethod set_latex_col_width.
set_latex_font_name-methodsSet font name for LaTeX tables
set_latex_font_size-methodsSet LaTeX font size
set_latex_padding_bottomMethod set_latex_padding_bottom.
set_latex_padding_topMethod set_latex_padding_top.
set_latex_pre_process-methodsSet pre processing of cell content for LaTeX table generation
set_latex_vertical_move-methodsSet vertical movement of cell content for LaTeX table...
set_rotation-methodsSet rotation of cell content
set_specific_style-methodsSet styles of multiple cells
set_strikeout-methodsSet strikout font
setStyledCell-methodsSet a single attribute in a style class
set_underline-methodsSet underlined font
st_preambleGet the preamble code necessary to compile a stiled table
stringifyStringify vector
StyledCell-classStyle class for single cells in StyledTable objects
StyledTable-classClass StyledTable
StyledTable-count_cols-methodCount number of columns in a StyledTable
StyledTable-count_rows-methodCount number of rows in a StyledTable
StyledTable-setStyles-methodSet styles of StyledTable cells
StyledTable-st_bind_cols-methodCreate a StyledTable object
StyledTable-styled_table-methodCreate a StyledTable object
substitute_col_idSubstitute 'col_id' and 'row_id'
substitute_row_idSubstitute 'row_id'
transform_charTransform text
write_excel-methodsWrite a StyledTable to an Excel sheet
write_pdfWrite a styledTable object to pdf
write_pngWrite a styledTable object to png
R-package/styledTables documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 2:21 a.m.