Man pages for RGLab/R2i
Tools for preparing an ImmPort Data Submission

checkByContextCheck a character vector against words in ImmuneSpace
checkSpellingcheck for spelling errors in a character vector
checkTemplateCheck template data frame
findReplacefind and replace characters in a vector
geo2ImmPortOutput ImmPort-compliant tsv files for gene expression...
getIPLookupsretrieve colnames for an ImmPort Template with associated...
getIPLookupValuesretrieve allowed or preferred values for a given template and...
getTemplateDFgenerate a template data frame for a given ImmPort Template...
getTemplateNamesget names of templates that can be retrieved via...
InteractiveFindReplace.dfInteractively find and replace problematic words in a data...
InteractiveFindReplace.vectorInteractively find and replace problematic words in a vector
interactiveSpellCheck.dfInteractively check spelling against dictionary and...
interactiveSpellCheck.vectorInteractively check spelling against dictionary and...
parseBSDparse the basic study design template and return a list of R...
transform_basicStudyDesignTransform R dataframes into ImmPort basicStudyDesign.csv...
transform_DataTransform R dataframe into ImmPort csv format for non-Basic...
write_txtWrite a list of blocks to a text file
RGLab/R2i documentation built on May 20, 2021, 10:14 a.m.