Man pages for Rene-Gutierrez/BayTenGraMod
Bayesian Tensor Graphical Model

BGGMSamplerBayesian Gaussian Graphical Model Sampler
BTGMPerforms Bayesian Tensor Graphical Model Estimation
datPosComputes Graphic outputs of the Marginal Posterior of the...
edgMatGenerates a Random Adjacency or Edge Matrix
entPosComputes Graphic outputs of the Marginal Posterior of the...
heatMatCreates a Heatmap Database given a Matrix
kModMatk-mode Tesnor Matricization
lMVGammaLogarithm of the Multivariate Gamma Function
logConsWLogarithm of the Normalizing Constant of the Wishart...
logHLogarithm of H
logJLogarithm of J
logLikTNormComputes the log-likelihood of the Tesor Normal Distribution
mkroneckerPerfroms the Kronecker Product from a list of Matrices
modComAdjComputes Several performance statistics for the Tensor...
modComLikComputes the log-likelihood of the Tesor Normal for each...
modComPreComputes Several performance statistics for the Tensor...
priorConRatioLogarithm of the Prior Constant Ratio Approximation
SkComputes the Conditional Statistic S_k
spaPDMGenerates Sparse Symmetric Positive Definite Random Matrices.
spaPreMatGenCreates Sparse Precision Matrices
TLassoPerforms Tensor Lasso
TNormalSamplerGenerates random samples from the Tensor Normal Distribution
updijUpdates the Entries of the Precision Matrix
Rene-Gutierrez/BayTenGraMod documentation built on Dec. 12, 2020, 11:24 a.m.