Man pages for RodrigoAgronomia/PAR
An R Package including various useful functions to work with spatial analysis of on-farm experiments

calc_angleFunction to get the heading angle between two points:
calc_directionFunction to get the heading angle between all consecutive...
calc_distanceFunction to get distances between consecutive points:
calc_line_directionFunction to get the heading angle between all consecutive...
create_linesFunction to create trials around points:
create_lines_hvFunction to average to lines in batch:
create_points_hvFunction to average to lines:
create_polygonsFunction to generate polygon from each point: TODO: Split in...
create_trialFunction to average to lines:
expand_linesFunction to expand both extremities of a line:
get_coverageFunction to generate polygon coverage over a field:
get_subpolsFunction to create the subpolygons in each pass:
group_subpolsFunction to create the experimental units based on the...
make_headlandFunction to make the field headland.
make_lineFunction to create a line based in a starting point and an...
make_trialFunction to create trials around points:
make_trial_idsFunction to average to lines:
parallel_linesFunction to generate parallel straight lines:
sfc_as_colsFunction to rotate a polygon by a given angle:
st_average_linesFunction to average to lines in batch:
st_average_pointsFunction to average to points:
st_overComplements the over function in sf:
st_rev_lineFunction to rotate a polygon by a given angle:
st_rotateFunction to rotate a polygon by a given angle:
st_utmTranform any projection to UTM for a sf object:
to_bordersFunction to average to lines:
to_lineFunction to rotate a polygon by a given angle:
RodrigoAgronomia/PAR documentation built on Jan. 19, 2020, 8:51 p.m.