Man pages for RoheLab/vsp
Vintage Sparse PCA for Semi-Parametric Factor Analysis

bffFind features most associated with cluster membership
bind_varimax_zAdd Z factor loadings to node table of tidygraph
get_svd_uGet left singular vectors in a tibble
get_z_hubsGet most important hubs for each Z factor
pipePipe operator
plot_ipr_pairsPlot pairs of inverse participation ratios for singular...
plot_mixing_matrixPlot the mixing matrix B
plot_varimax_z_pairsCreate a pairs plot of select Y factors
safe_row_l2_normalizeSafe L2 row normalization
screeplot.vsp_faCreate a screeplot from a factor analysis object
set_z_factor_namesGive the dimensions of Z factors informative names
vspSemi-Parametric Factor Analysis via Vintage Sparse PCA
vsp_faCreate a vintage sparse factor analysis object
vsp-packagevsp: Vintage Sparse PCA for Semi-Parametric Factor Analysis
vsp.svd_likePerform varimax rotation on a low rank matrix factorization
RoheLab/vsp documentation built on Nov. 6, 2024, 10:08 p.m.