Man pages for SciViews/learndown
R Markdown, Bookdown and Learnr Additions for Learning Material

assignmentInsert a GitHub (Classroom) assignment or challenge in the...
checker_ack_learnrA default checker that just acknowledges submission
configConfigure the R environment for the course (including...
diagnose_loginInsert code in an R Markdown document to diagnose personal...
h5pInsert H5P content in the document
launch_shinyLaunch Shiny application by clicking on its screenshot.
learnitdown_initInitialize learnitdown features in an R Markdown document
learnitdownLearnrSetupSet up a learnitdown Learnr application
learnitdown-packagelearnitdown: R Markdown, Bookdown and Learnr Additions for...
learnitdownShinyCreate and manage learnitdown Shiny applications
learnrInsert a block for a learnr tutorial
obfuscateObfuscate answers in learnr documents
read_shinylogsRead shinylogs log data and format them in a data.frame
record_learnrRecord results of learnr exercises in a MongoDB database
record_shinyRecord Shiny events in a MongoDB database
runRun learnitdown learnr tutorials or Shiny apps from a package...
send_mail_learnrSend your learnr submissions by email
show_ex_tocInsert a table of content for the exercises at the end of a...
trackEventsTrack events, the submit or the quit buttons
webshot_shinyCreate the screenshot image of a Shiny application with a...
SciViews/learndown documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 8:06 a.m.