Man pages for Siliegia/SIGMA
A clusterability measure for scRNA-seq data

fit_mpFit the Marchenko-Pastur distribution
get_infoGet informaton about each singular vectos
get_var_genesExtract variance driving genes
outMeasure object created by applying sigma_funct
paga.coordForce-directed graph layout
plot_all_g_sigmasPlot all g-sigmas
plot_all_sigmasPlot all sigmas
plot_MPPlot fit of MP
plot_sigmaPlot sigma
plot_singular_vectorsPlot singular vectors for a cluster
rb.genesList of ribosomal genes
sce_kidneySingleCellObject of W16 fetal kidney
sigma_functMain function to calculate sigma
splatOSingleCellObject generated from splatter
stress.genesList of stress genes
Siliegia/SIGMA documentation built on Dec. 18, 2021, 2 p.m.