Man pages for SimonGreenhill/rcldf
Read Linguistic Data in the Cross Linguistic Data Format (CLDF)

as.cldf.wideExtracts a CLDF table as a 'wide' dataframe by resolving all...
cldfReads a Cross-Linguistic Data Format dataset into an object.
clean_cacheRemoves all files in the cache directory
coalesce_truthCoalesce value to truthiness
datatype_to_typeMap csvw datatypes to R types
default_dialectCSVW default dialect
default_schemaCreate a default table schema given a csv file and dialect
get_cache_dirReturns the cache dir.
get_detailsReturns a dataframe of with details on the CLDF dataset in...
get_dir_sizeReturns the filesize in bytes of a directory.
get_filenameGet a filename from url value in metadata (handles .zip...
get_table_fromExtracts a single table from a CLDF dataset.
get_tablenameConvert a CLDF URL tablename to a short tablename
is_githubReturns TRUE if 'url' looks like a github URL
is_urlReturns TRUE if 'url' looks like a URL
list_cache_filesReturns a dataframe of directories in the cache dir
nullifyConverts all values specified in the CLDF metadata as 'null'...
override_defaultsOverride defaults
print.cldfSummarises the CLDF file
rcldf-packagercldf: Read Linguistic Data in the Cross Linguistic Data...
read_bibReads a BibTeX file into a dataframe
relabelRelabels a column in a dataset for merging.
resolve_pathHelper function to resolve the path (e.g. directory or...
separateExpands all values with separators.
summary.cldfSummarises the CLDF file
SimonGreenhill/rcldf documentation built on Dec. 7, 2024, 7:33 p.m.