Man pages for Swirrl/linked-data-frames

as_dataframe_of_labelsConvert a linked data frame to labels
as_dataframe_of_resourcesEnrich a data frame of URIs with resources descriptions
curieExtract Compact URI from resources
default_endpointRetrieve the default sparql endpoint from configuration
descriptionExtract the description from a resource
description-setAssign a description to a resource
download_progressExecute SPARQL select query and parse results
fill_missingAdd rows to description for missing URIs
get_codelistDownload a Codelist
get_cubeDownload a DataCube
get_dimensionsDownload dimension properties
get_geographyDownload Statistical Geographies
get_labelDownload a Resource's label
int_endThe end date of an interval
interval'interval' vector
int_startThe start date of an interval
labelExtract resource labels
list_cubesList all DataCubes
merge_descriptionCombine resource descriptions
predobj_bindingCreate bindings for a labelled property
propertyExtract a property value from a resource description
queryExecute SPARQL select query and parse results
resource'resource' vector
sort_priorityExtract resource sort priority
subpredobj_bindingCreate Basic Graph Pattern for subject binding labelled...
uriExtract the URI from a resource vector
validate_resourceValidate a resource
Swirrl/linked-data-frames documentation built on Sept. 14, 2022, 6:15 p.m.