as_character_formula | Read formula with as.character without splitting |
as_sparse | Transforms matrix to dgTMatrix |
bdiag_check | Create block diagonal matrix (safe version) |
check_contiguous | Check values in vector are contiguous |
cov_grid | Grid of covariates |
Dist | R6 class for probability distribution |
find_re | Find s(, bs = "re") terms in formula |
gdeterminant | Generalized matrix determinant |
HMM | R6 class for hidden Markov model |
hmmTMB_cols | hmmTMB colour palette |
hmmTMB-package | hmmTMB: Fit Hidden Markov Models using Template Model Builder |
invmlogit | Multivarite inverse logit function |
is_whole_number | Check if number of whole number |
logLik.HMM | logLik function for SDE objects |
logsumexp | Log of sum of exponentials |
make_cov | Make covariance matrix from standard deviations and... |
make_formulas | Process formulas and store in nested list |
make_matrices | Create model matrices |
MarkovChain | R6 class for HMM hidden process model |
mlogit | Multivariate logit function |
mvnorm_invlink | Multivariate Normal inverse link function |
mvnorm_link | Multivariate Normal link function |
na_fill | Fill in NAs |
Observation | R6 class for HMM observation model |
prec_to_cov | Get covariance matrix from precision matrix |
quad_pos_solve | Solve for positive root of quadratic ax^2 + bx + c = 0 when... |
strip_comments | Strip comments marked with a hash from a character vector |
update.HMM | Update a model to a new model by changing one formula |
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