Man pages for TileDB-Inc/TileDB-R
Modern Database Engine for Complex Data Based on Multi-Dimensional Arrays

array_consolidateConsolidate fragments of a TileDB Array
array_vacuumAfter consolidation, remove consolidated fragments of a... a 'tiledb_config' object to a R data.frame
as.vector.tiledb_configConvert a 'tiledb_config' object to a R vector
attrs-set-tiledb_array-methodSelects attributes for the given TileDB array
attrs-tiledb_array-ANY-methodRetrieve attributes from 'tiledb_array' object
attrs-tiledb_array_schema-ANY-methodReturns a list of all 'tiledb_attr' objects associated with...
attrs-tiledb_array_schema-character-methodReturns a 'tiledb_attr' object associated with the...
attrs-tiledb_array_schema-numeric-methodReturns a 'tiledb_attr' object associated with the...
cell_order-tiledb_array_schema-methodReturns the cell layout string associated with the...
completedBatchedCheck 'batched' query for completion
config-tiledb_ctx-methodRetrieve the 'tiledb_config' object from the 'tiledb_ctx'
createBatchedCreate a 'batched' query object
datatype-tiledb_attr-methodReturn the 'tiledb_attr' datatype
datatype-tiledb_dim-methodReturn the 'tiledb_dim' datatype
datatype-tiledb_domain-methodReturns the tiledb_domain TileDB type string
datetimes_as_int64-set-tiledb_array-methodSet datetimes_as_int64 toggle
datetimes_as_int64-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve datetimes_as_int64 toggle
describeDescribe a TileDB array schema via code to create it
dimensions-tiledb_array_schema-methodReturns a list of 'tiledb_dim' objects associated with the...
dimensions-tiledb_domain-methodReturns a list of the tiledb_domain dimension objects
dim.tiledb_array_schemaRetrieve the dimension (domain extent) of the domain
dim.tiledb_dimRetrieves the dimension of the tiledb_dim domain
dim.tiledb_domainRetrieve the dimension (domain extent) of the domain
domain-tiledb_array_schema-methodReturns the 'tiledb_domain' object associated with a given...
domain-tiledb_dim-methodReturn the 'tiledb_dim' domain
extended-set-tiledb_array-methodSet data.frame extended return columns toggle
extended-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve data.frame extended returns columns toggle
fetchBatchedRun a 'batched' query
filter_list-set-tiledb_attr-methodSets the TileDB Filter List for the TileDB Attribute object
filter_list-set-tiledb_dim-methodSets the TileDB Filter List for the TileDB Dimension object
filter_list-tiledb_array_schema-methodReturns the offsets and coordinate filter_lists associated...
filter_list-tiledb_attr-methodReturns the TileDB Filter List object associated with the...
filter_list-tiledb_dim-methodReturns the TileDB Filter List object associated with the...
fromDataFrameCreate a TileDB dense or sparse array from a given...
fromMatrixCreate a TileDB array from an R matrix, or return an R matrix
fromSparseMatrixCreate (or return) a TileDB sparse array
genericsGeneric Methods
has_attributeCheck a schema for a given attribute name
is.anonymousReturns TRUE if the tiledb_dim is anonymous
is.anonymous.tiledb_dimReturns TRUE if the tiledb_dim is anonymous
is.integral-tiledb_domain-methodReturns TRUE is tiledb_domain is an integral (integer) domain
is.sparse-tiledb_array_schema-methodReturns TRUE if the tiledb_array_schema is sparse, else FALSE
limitTileDBCoresLimit TileDB core use to a given number of cores
name-tiledb_attr-methodReturn the 'tiledb_attr' name
name-tiledb_dim-methodReturn the 'tiledb_dim' name
nfilters-tiledb_filter_list-methodReturns the filter_list's number of filters
parse_query_conditionCreate a 'tiledb_query_condition' object from an expression
print.tiledb_metadataPrint a TileDB Array Metadata object
query_condition-set-tiledb_array-methodSet query_condition object for the array
query_condition-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve query_condition value for the array
query_layout-set-tiledb_array-methodSet query_layout return values for the array
query_layout-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve query_layout values for the array
query_statistics-set-tiledb_array-methodSet query_statistics toggle
query_statistics-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve query_statistics toggle
raw_dump-tiledb_array_schema-methodRaw display of an array schema object
raw_dump-tiledb_attr-methodRaw display of an attribute object
raw_dump-tiledb_domain-methodRaw display of a domain object
return.array-set-tiledb_array-methodSet array return toggle
return.array-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve array return toggle
return_as-set-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve return_as conversion preference
return_as-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve return_as conversion preference data.frame return toggle data.frame return toggle
return.matrix-set-tiledb_array-methodSet matrix return toggle
return.matrix-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve matrix return toggle
r_to_tiledb_typeLook up TileDB type corresponding to the type of an R object
save_allocation_size_preferenceStore allocation size preference
save_return_as_preferenceStore object conversion preference
schema-character-methodReturn a schema from a URI character value
schema-tiledb_array-methodReturn a schema from a tiledb_array object
selected_points-set-tiledb_array-methodSet selected_points return values for the array
selected_points-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve selected_points values for the array
selected_ranges-set-tiledb_array-methodSet selected_ranges return values for the array
selected_ranges-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve selected_ranges values for the array
show-tiledb_array-methodPrints a tiledb_array object
show-tiledb_array_schema-methodPrints an array schema object
show-tiledb_attr-methodPrints an attribute object
show-tiledb_config-methodPrints the config object to STDOUT
show-tiledb_dim-methodPrints a dimension object
show-tiledb_domain-methodPrints a domain object
show-tiledb_filter_list-methodPrints a filter_list object
show-tiledb_filter-methodPrints a filter object
show-tiledb_group-methodDisplay the TileDB Group object to STDOUT
statusBatchedReturn 'batched' status
strings_as_factors-set-tiledb_array-methodSet strings_as_factors return toggle
strings_as_factors-tiledb_array-methodRetrieve strings_as_factors conversion toggle
subset-tiledb_array-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodSets a tiledb array value or value range
subset-tiledb_config-ANY-ANY-ANY-methodSets a config parameter value
sub-tiledb_array-ANY-methodReturns a TileDB array, allowing for specific subset ranges.
sub-tiledb_config-ANY-methodGets a config parameter value
sub-tiledb_filter_list-ANY-methodReturns the filter at given index
tdb_collect-tiledb_array-methodCollect the query results to finalize piped expression
tdb_filter-tiledb_array-methodFilter from array for query via logical conditions
tdb_select-tiledb_array-methodSelect attributes from array for query
tiledb_arrayConstructs a tiledb_array object backed by a persisted tiledb...
tiledb_array_apply_aggregateRun an aggregate query on the given (sparse) array and...
tiledb_array-classAn S4 class for a TileDB Array
tiledb_array_closeClose a TileDB Array
tiledb_array_createCreates a new TileDB array given an input schema.
tiledb_array_delete_fragmentsDelete fragments written between the start and end times...
tiledb_array_delete_fragments_listDelete fragments written given by their URIs
tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_indexGet the non-empty domain from a TileDB Array by index
tiledb_array_get_non_empty_domain_from_nameGet the non-empty domain from a TileDB Array by name
tiledb_array_has_enumerationCheck for Enumeration (aka Factor aka Dictionary)
tiledb_array_is_heterogeneousCheck for Heterogeneous Domain
tiledb_array_is_homogeneousCheck for Homogeneous Domain
tiledb_array_is_openTest if TileDB Array is open
tiledb_array_openOpen a TileDB Array
tiledb_array_open_atOpen a TileDB Array at Timestamp
tiledb_array_schemaConstructs a 'tiledb_array_schema' object
tiledb_array_schema_checkCheck the schema for correctness
tiledb_array_schema-classAn S4 class for the TileDB array schema
tiledb_array_schema_evolutionCreates a 'tiledb_array_schema_evolution' object
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_add_attributeAdd an Attribute to a TileDB Array Schema Evolution object
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_add_enumerationAdd an Enumeration to a TileDB Array Schema Evolution object
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_add_enumeration_emptyEvolve an Array Schema by adding an empty Enumeration
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_array_evolveEvolve an Array Schema
tiledb_array_schema_evolution-classAn S4 class for a TileDB ArraySchemaEvolution object
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_drop_attributeDrop an attribute given by name from a TileDB Array Schema...
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_drop_enumerationDrop an Enumeration given by name from a TileDB Array Schema...
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_expand_current_domainExpand an the Current Domain of an Array via Array Schema...
tiledb_array_schema_evolution_extend_enumerationExtend an Evolution via Array Schema Evolution
tiledb_array_schema_get_allows_dupsReturns logical value whether the array schema allows...
tiledb_array_schema_get_capacityRetrieve schema capacity (for sparse fragments)
tiledb_array_schema_get_current_domainGet the Current Domain of an Array Schema
tiledb_array_schema_set_allows_dupsSets toggle whether the array schema allows duplicate values...
tiledb_array_schema_set_capacitySets the schema capacity (for sparse fragments)
tiledb_array_schema_set_coords_filter_listSet a Filter List for Coordinate of a TileDB Schema
tiledb_array_schema_set_current_domainSet a Current Domain of an Array Schema
tiledb_array_schema_set_enumeration_emptyAdd an empty Enumeration to a Schema
tiledb_array_schema_set_offsets_filter_listSet a Filter List for Variable-Sized Offsets of a TileDB...
tiledb_array_schema_set_validity_filter_listSet a Filter List for Validity of a TileDB Schema
tiledb_array_schema_versionCheck the version of the array schema
tiledb_array_upgrade_versionUpgrade an Array to the current TileDB Array Schema Format
tiledb_arrow_array_ptr(Deprecated) Allocate (or Release) Arrow Array and Schema...
tiledb_attrConstructs a 'tiledb_attr' object
tiledb_attr-classAn S4 class for a TileDB attribute
tiledb_attribute_get_cell_sizeGet the TileDB Attribute cell size
tiledb_attribute_get_cell_val_numReturn the number of scalar values per attribute cell
tiledb_attribute_get_enumerationGet the TileDB Attribute Enumeration
tiledb_attribute_get_fill_valueGet the fill value for a TileDB Attribute
tiledb_attribute_get_nullableGet the TileDB Attribute Nullable flag value
tiledb_attribute_has_enumerationTest if TileDB Attribute has an Enumeration
tiledb_attribute_is_ordered_enumeration_ptrCheck if TileDB Attribute Enumeration is Ordered
tiledb_attribute_is_variable_sizedCheck whether TileDB Attribute is variable-sized
tiledb_attribute_set_cell_val_numSet the number of scalar values per attribute cell
tiledb_attribute_set_enumeration_nameSet a TileDB Attribute Enumeration Name
tiledb_attribute_set_fill_valueSet the fill value for a TileDB Attribute
tiledb_attribute_set_nullableSet the TileDB Attribute Nullable flags
tiledb_configCreates a 'tiledb_config' object
tiledb_config_as_built_jsonReturn the 'AsBuilt' JSON string
tiledb_config_as_built_showDisplay the 'AsBuilt' JSON string
tiledb_config-classAn S4 class for a TileDB configuration
tiledb_config_loadLoad a saved 'tiledb_config' file from disk
tiledb_config_saveSave a 'tiledb_config' object ot a local text file
tiledb_config_unsetUnset a TileDB Config parameter to its default value
tiledb_ctxCreates a 'tiledb_ctx' object
tiledb_ctx-classAn S4 class for a TileDB context
tiledb_ctx_set_default_tagsSets default context tags
tiledb_ctx_set_tagSets a string:string "tag" on the Ctx
tiledb_ctx_statsReturn context statistics as a JSON string
tiledb_current_domainCreates a 'tiledb_current_domain' object
tiledb_current_domain-classAn S4 class for a TileDB CurrentDomain object
tiledb_current_domain_get_ndrectangleGet a 'tiledb_ndrectangle' from a 'tiledb_current_domain'...
tiledb_current_domain_get_typeGet 'tiledb_current_domain' data type as string
tiledb_current_domain_is_emptyTest 'tiledb_current_domain' object for being empty
tiledb_current_domain_set_ndrectangleSet a 'tiledb_ndrectangle' in a 'tiledb_current_domain'...
tiledb_datatype_R_typeMap from TileDB type to R datatype
tiledb_delete_metadataDelete a TileDB Array Metadata object given by key
tiledb_dimConstructs a 'tiledb_dim' object
tiledb_dim-classAn S4 class for a TileDB dimension object
tiledb_dim_get_cell_val_numReturn the number of scalar values per dimension cell
tiledb_domainConstructs a 'tiledb_domain' object
tiledb_domain-classAn S4 class for a TileDB domain
tiledb_domain_get_dimension_from_indexReturns a Dimension indicated by index for the given TileDB...
tiledb_domain_get_dimension_from_nameReturns a Dimension indicated by name for the given TileDB...
tiledb_domain_has_dimensionCheck a domain for a given dimension name
tiledb_error_messageReturn the error message for a given context
tiledb_filestore_buffer_exportExport from a TileDB Filestore to a character variable
tiledb_filestore_buffer_importImport size bytes from a string into a TileDB Filestore
tiledb_filestore_schema_createCreate an array schema from a given URI with schema
tiledb_filestore_sizeReturn (uncompressed) TileDB Filestore size
tiledb_filestore_uri_exportExport a file from a TileDB Filestore
tiledb_filestore_uri_importImport a file into a TileDB Filestore
tiledb_filterConstructs a 'tiledb_filter' object
tiledb_filter-classAn S4 class for a TileDB filter
tiledb_filter_get_optionReturns the filter's option
tiledb_filter_listConstructs a 'tiledb_filter_list' object
tiledb_filter_list-classAn S4 class for a TileDB filter list
tiledb_filter_list_get_max_chunk_sizeReturns the filter_list's max_chunk_size
tiledb_filter_list_set_max_chunk_sizeSet the filter_list's max_chunk_size
tiledb_filter_set_optionSet the option for a filter
tiledb_filter_typeReturns the type of the filter used
tiledb_fragment_infoConstructs a 'tiledb_fragment_info' object
tiledb_fragment_info-classAn S4 class for a TileDB fragment info object
tiledb_fragment_info_denseReturn if a fragment info index is dense
tiledb_fragment_info_dumpDump the fragment info to console
tiledb_fragment_info_get_cell_numReturn a fragment info number of cells for a given fragment...
tiledb_fragment_info_get_non_empty_domain_indexReturn a fragment info non-empty domain from index
tiledb_fragment_info_get_non_empty_domain_nameReturn a fragment info non-empty domain from name
tiledb_fragment_info_get_non_empty_domain_var_indexReturn a fragment info non-empty domain variable from index
tiledb_fragment_info_get_non_empty_domain_var_nameReturn a fragment info non-empty domain variable from name
tiledb_fragment_info_get_numReturn a fragment info number of fragments
tiledb_fragment_info_get_sizeReturn a fragment info fragment size for a given fragment...
tiledb_fragment_info_get_timestamp_rangeReturn a fragment info timestamp range for a given fragment...
tiledb_fragment_info_get_to_vacuum_numReturn the number of fragment info elements to be vacuumed
tiledb_fragment_info_get_to_vacuum_uriReturn fragment info URI of the to be vacuumed index
tiledb_fragment_info_get_unconsolidated_metadata_numReturn fragment info number of unconsolidated metadata
tiledb_fragment_info_get_versionReturn a fragment info version for a given fragment index
tiledb_fragment_info_has_consolidated_metadataReturn if a fragment info index has consolidated metadata
tiledb_fragment_info_sparseReturn if a fragment info index is sparse
tiledb_fragment_info_uriReturn a fragment info URI given its index
tiledb_get_all_metadataReturn all TileDB Array Metadata objects as a named list
tiledb_get_contextRetrieve a TileDB context object from the package cache
tiledb_get_metadataReturn a TileDB Array Metadata object given by key
tiledb_get_query_statusRetrieve the cached status of the last finalized query
tiledb_get_vfsRetrieve a TileDB VFS object from the package environment and...
tiledb_groupCreates a 'tiledb_group' object
tiledb_group_add_memberAdd Member to TileDB Group
tiledb_group-classAn S4 class for a TileDB Group object
tiledb_group_closeClose a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_createCreate a TileDB Group at the given path
tiledb_group_deleteDeletes all written data from a 'tiledb_group' object
tiledb_group_delete_metadataDeletes Metadata from a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_get_all_metadataReturn all Metadata from a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_get_configGet a TileDB Config from a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_get_metadataAccesses Metadata from a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_get_metadata_from_indexAccesses Metadata by Index from a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_has_metadataChecks for Metadata in a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_is_openTest if TileDB Group is open
tiledb_group_is_relativeTest if a Named Group is Using a Relative URI
tiledb_group_memberGet a Member (Description) by Index from TileDB Group
tiledb_group_member_countGet Member Count from TileDB Group
tiledb_group_member_dumpDump the TileDB Group to String
tiledb_group_metadata_numReturns Number of Metadata Objects a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_openOpen a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_put_metadataWrite Metadata to a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_query_typeReturn a TileDB Group query type
tiledb_group_remove_memberRemove Member from TileDB Group
tiledb_group_set_configSet a TileDB Config for a TileDB Group
tiledb_group_uriReturn a TileDB Group URI
tiledb_has_metadataTest if TileDB Array has Metadata
tiledb_is_supported_fsQuery if a TileDB backend is supported
tiledb_ndim-tiledb_array_schema-methodReturn the number of dimensions associated with the...
tiledb_ndim-tiledb_dim-methodReturns the number of dimensions for a tiledb domain object
tiledb_ndim-tiledb_domain-methodReturns the number of dimensions of the 'tiledb_domain'
tiledb_ndrectangleCreates a 'tiledb_ndrectangle' object
tiledb_ndrectangle-classAn S4 class for a TileDB NDRectangle object
tiledb_ndrectangle_datatypeGet the datatype of a named 'tiledb_ndrectangle' dimension
tiledb_ndrectangle_datatype_by_indGet the datatype of a 'tiledb_ndrectangle' dimension by index
tiledb_ndrectangle_dim_numGet the number of dimensions for 'tiledb_ndrectangle' object
tiledb_ndrectangle_get_rangeGet a range from a 'tiledb_ndrectangle' object
tiledb_ndrectangle_set_rangeSet a range on a 'tiledb_ndrectangle' object
tiledb_num_metadataReturn count of TileDB Array Metadata objects
tiledb_object_lsList TileDB resources at a given root URI path
tiledb_object_mvMove a TileDB resource to new uri path
tiledb_object_rmRemoves a TileDB resource
tiledb_object_typeReturn the TileDB object type string of a TileDB resource
tiledb_object_walkRecursively discover TileDB resources at a given root URI...
tiledb-packagetiledb - Interface to the TileDB Storage Manager API
tiledb_put_metadataStore an object in TileDB Array Metadata under given key
tiledb_queryCreates a 'tiledb_query' object
tiledb_query_add_rangeSet a range for a given query
tiledb_query_add_range_with_typeSet a range for a given query, also supplying type
tiledb_query_alloc_buffer_ptr_charAllocate a Query buffer for reading a character attribute
tiledb_query_apply_aggregateRun an aggregate oprtation on the given query attribute
tiledb_query_buffer_alloc_ptrAllocate a Query buffer for a given type
tiledb_query-classAn S4 class for a TileDB Query object
tiledb_query_conditionCreates a 'tiledb_query_condition' object
tiledb_query_condition-classAn S4 class for a TileDB QueryCondition object
tiledb_query_condition_combineCombine two 'tiledb_query_condition' objects
tiledb_query_condition_createCreate a query condition for vector 'IN' and 'NOT_IN'...
tiledb_query_condition_initInitialize a 'tiledb_query_condition' object
tiledb_query_condition_set_use_enumerationEnable use of enumeration in query condition
tiledb_query_create_buffer_ptrAllocate and populate a Query buffer for a given object of a...
tiledb_query_create_buffer_ptr_charAllocate and populate a Query buffer for writing the given...
tiledb_query_ctxReturn query context object
tiledb_query_export_bufferExport Query Buffer to Pair of Arrow IO Pointers
tiledb_query_finalizeFinalize TileDB Query
tiledb_query_get_buffer_charRetrieve content from a Query character buffer
tiledb_query_get_buffer_ptrRetrieve content from a Query buffer
tiledb_query_get_est_result_sizeRetrieve the estimated result size for a query and attribute
tiledb_query_get_est_result_size_varRetrieve the estimated result size for a query and...
tiledb_query_get_fragment_numRetrieve the Number of Fragments for Query
tiledb_query_get_fragment_timestamp_rangeRetrieve the timestamp range for a given Query Fragment
tiledb_query_get_fragment_uriRetrieve the URI for a given Query Fragment
tiledb_query_get_layoutGet TileDB Query layout
tiledb_query_get_rangeRetrieve the query range for a query dimension and range...
tiledb_query_get_range_numRetrieve the number of ranges for a query dimension
tiledb_query_get_range_varRetrieve the query range for a variable-sized query dimension...
tiledb_query_import_bufferImport to Query Buffer from Pair of Arrow IO Pointers
tiledb_query_result_buffer_elementsGet TileDB Query result buffer element size
tiledb_query_result_buffer_elements_vecGet TileDB Query result buffer element size pair as vector
tiledb_query_set_bufferSet TileDB Query buffer
tiledb_query_set_buffer_ptrAssigns to a Query buffer for a given attribute
tiledb_query_set_buffer_ptr_charAssign a buffer to a Query attribute
tiledb_query_set_conditionSet a query combination object for a query
tiledb_query_set_layoutSet TileDB Query layout
tiledb_query_set_subarraySet subarray for TileDB Query object
tiledb_query_statsReturn query statistics as a JSON string
tiledb_query_statusGet TileDB Query status
tiledb_query_submitSubmit TileDB Query
tiledb_query_submit_asyncSubmit TileDB Query asynchronously without a callback...
tiledb_query_typeReturn TileDB Query type
tiledb_schema_get_dim_attr_statusGet Dimension or Attribute Status
tiledb_schema_get_enumeration_statusGet Dimension or Attribute Status
tiledb_schema_get_namesGet all Dimension and Attribute Names
tiledb_schema_get_typesGet all Dimension and Attribute Types
tiledb_schema_objectSuccinctly describe a TileDB array schema
tiledb_set_contextStore a TileDB context object in the package cache
tiledb_set_vfsStore a TileDB VFS object in the package environment
tiledb_stats_disableDisable internal TileDB statistics counters
tiledb_stats_dumpDumps internal TileDB statistics to file or stdout
tiledb_stats_enableEnable internal TileDB statistics counters
tiledb_stats_printPrint internal TileDB statistics
tiledb_stats_raw_dumpDumps internal TileDB statistics as JSON to a string
tiledb_stats_raw_getGets internal TileDB statistics as JSON string
tiledb_stats_raw_printPrint internal TileDB statistics as JSON
tiledb_stats_resetReset internal TileDB statistics counters
tiledb_subarrayConstructs a 'tiledb_subarray' object from a TileDB Query
tiledb_subarray-classAn S4 class for a TileDB Subarray
tiledb_subarray_to_queryApply a Subarray to a Query
tiledb_versionThe version of the libtiledb library
tiledb_vfsCreates a 'tiledb_vfs' object
tiledb_vfs-classAn S4 class for a TileDB VFS object
tiledb_vfs_closeClose a TileDB VFS Filehandle
tiledb_vfs_copy_fileCopy a file to VFS
tiledb_vfs_create_bucketCreate a VFS Bucket
tiledb_vfs_create_dirCreate a VFS Directory
tiledb_vfs_dir_sizeReturn VFS Directory Size
tiledb_vfs_empty_bucketEmpty a VFS Bucket
tiledb_vfs_file_sizeReturn VFS File Size
tiledb_vfs_is_bucketCheck for VFS Bucket
tiledb_vfs_is_dirTest for VFS Directory
tiledb_vfs_is_empty_bucketCheck for empty VFS Bucket
tiledb_vfs_is_fileTest for VFS File
tiledb_vfs_lsReturn VFS Directory Listing
tiledb_vfs_ls_recursiveRecursively list objects from given URI
tiledb_vfs_move_dirMove (or rename) a VFS Directory
tiledb_vfs_move_fileMove (or rename) a VFS File
tiledb_vfs_openOpen a TileDB VFS Filehandle for reading or writing
tiledb_vfs_readRead from a TileDB VFS Filehandle
tiledb_vfs_remove_bucketRemove a VFS Bucket
tiledb_vfs_remove_dirRemove a VFS Directory
tiledb_vfs_remove_fileRemove a VFS File
tiledb_vfs_serializeSerialize an R Object to a VFS-accessible URI
tiledb_vfs_syncSync a TileDB VFS Filehandle
tiledb_vfs_touchTouch a VFS URI Resource
tiledb_vfs_unserializeUnserialize an R Object from a VFS-accessible URI
tiledb_vfs_writeWrite to a TileDB VFS Filehandle
tile_order-tiledb_array_schema-methodReturns the tile layout string associated with the...
tile-tiledb_dim-methodReturn the 'tiledb_dim' tile extent
vfs_fileCreate a custom file connection
TileDB-Inc/TileDB-R documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:14 a.m.