Man pages for Tychobra/polishedpayments
Easily add a Stripe subscription to your Shiny app

add_customerPolished Payments API - Add a Customer
billing_modulebilling module
create_paymentcreate a Stripe payment
create_payment_moduleShiny module server for creating a one time payment
create_payment_module_uiShiny module ui for creating a one time payment
create_stripe_customerCreate a new Stripe customer
create_subscription_modalCredit Card Modal to create a subscription
credit_card_moduleServer logic for Stripe Credit Card input
credit_card_module_uiUI element for Stripe Credit Card input
credit_card_payment_moduleServer logic for Stripe Credit Card input
free_trial_banner_moduleFree trial banner module server logic
free_trial_banner_module_uifree trial banner
get_customersPolished Payments API - Get Customer(s)
get_stripeGet relevant information about a Stripe customer from Stripe...
get_stripe_customerCollect information for a Stripe customer
get_stripe_payment_methodget payment method information from Stripe for a particular...
get_stripe_subscriptionGet information on the user's Stripe subscription
payments_app_serverThe server logic for the "Admin Panel" 'shinydashboard'
payments_app_uiThe payments Shiny app
payments_serveradds polished payments to your Shiny server
payments_uiadds polished payments to your Shiny UI
polished_payments_configconfigure Polished Payments
set_payment_method_modalModal to set/update the Stripe payment method
set_stripe_payment_methodSet the Default Payment Method for a Customer
update_customerPolished Payments API - Update a Customer
Tychobra/polishedpayments documentation built on May 13, 2022, 7:15 p.m.