Man pages for USAID-OHA-SI/glitr
Adorned SI style plots

burnt_siennaburnt sienna
burnt_sienna_lightburnt sienna light
cascadeCascade Indicators
check_fontsCheck for Imported Fonts
choose_fontCheck for Imported Fonts
color_captionColor caption default
color_gridlineGridline color default
color_plot_textPlot color default
color_titleTitle color default
denim_lightdenim light
electric_indigoelectric_indigo hemsworth electric_indigo
font_existsCheck if font exists
genoagenoa (green)
genoa_lightgenoa light (green)
glitr-packageglitr: Adorned SI style plots
golden_sandgolden sand
golden_sand_lightgolden sand light
hfr_mmdHFR Multi-Month Dispensing (MMD) data
htsTesting (HTS_TST & HTS_TST_POS) Indicators
hts_geoSpatial data for mapping testing indicators
hunterhunter hemsworth hunter
hw_electric_indigoelectric_indigo hemsworth electric_indigo
hw_hunterhunter hemsworth hunter
hw_lavender_hazelavender_haze hemsworth lavender_haze
hw_midnight_bluemidnight_blue hemsworth midnight_blue
hw_orchid_bloomorchid_bloom hemsworth orchid_bloom
hw_slateslate hemsworth slate
hw_sun_kissedsun_kissed hemsworth sun_kissed
hw_tangotango hemsworth tango
hw_vikingviking hemsworth viking aka baldwin scooter_med
lavender_hazelavender_haze hemsworth lavender_haze
light_greylight grey
midnight_bluemidnight_blue hemsworth midnight_blue
moody_bluemoody blue
moody_blue_lightmoody blue light
old_roseold rose light
old_rose_lightold rose light
orchid_bloomorchid_bloom hemsworth orchid_bloom
pantone_aqua_skyaqua sky Pantone Color of the Year 2003
pantone_blue_irisblue iris Pantone Color of the Year 2008
pantone_blue_turquoiseblue_turquoise Pantone Color of the Year 2005
pantone_ceruleancerulean Pantone Color of the Year 2000
pantone_chili_pepperchili pepper Pantone Color of the Year 2007
pantone_classic_blueclassic blue Pantone Color of the Year 2020
pantone_emeraldemerald Pantone Color of the Year 2013
pantone_fuchsia_rosefuchsia rose Pantone Color of the Year 2001
pantone_greenerygreenery Pantone Color of the Year 2017
pantone_honeysucklehoneysuckle Pantone Color of the Year 2010
pantone_illuminatingilluminating Pantone Color of the Year 2021
pantone_living_coralliving coral Pantone Color of the Year 2019
pantone_marsalamarsala Pantone Color of the Year 2015
pantone_mimosamimosa Pantone Color of the Year 2009
pantone_peach_fuzzpeach_fuzz Pantone Color of the Year 2024
pantone_radiant_orchidradiant orchid Pantone Color of the Year 2014
pantone_rose_quartzrose quartz Pantone Color of the Year 2016
pantone_sand_dollarsand dollar Pantone Color of the Year 2006
pantone_serenityserenity Pantone Color of the Year 2016
pantone_tangerine_tangotangerine tango Pantone Color of the Year 2012
pantone_tigerlilytigerlilly Pantone Color of the Year 2004
pantone_true_redtrue_red Pantone Color of the Year 2002
pantone_turquoiseturquoise Pantone Color of the Year 2011
pantone_ultimate_grayultimate gray Pantone Color of the Year 2021
pantone_ultra_violetultra violet Pantone Color of the Year 2018
pantone_very_perivery peri Pantone Color of the Year 2022
pantone_viva_magentaviva magenta Pantone Color of the Year 2023
pipePipe operator
scooter_lightscooter light
scooter_medscooter medium
si_clear_previewClear out Plot Previews
si_legend_colorSI legend for color aesthetics
si_legend_fillSI legend for fill aesthetics
si_palsiei palette with ramped colors
si_palettesList of SI Color Palettes
si_previewPreview Plot Output
si_ramprPalette interpolation
si_saveSave Plot
si_styleCreate Standard SI Plots
si_style_mapCreate Standard SI Map
si_style_nolinesSI style plot with blank canvass
si_style_voidCreate ggplot with no axes or no grid lines
si_style_xgridSI style plot with only x-axis gridlines
si_style_xlineSI style plot with x-axis line drawn
si_style_xylineCreate Standard SI Plots showing only both x and y axis lines
si_style_ygridSI style plot with only y-axis gridlines
si_style_ylineSI style plot with y-axis line drawn
slateslate hemsworth slate
sun_kissedsun_kissed hemsworth sun_kissed
suva_greysuva grey
tangotango hemsworth tango
trolley_greytrolley grey
trolley_grey_lighttrolley grey light
usaid_blackUSAID black
usaid_blueUSAID blue
usaid_darkgreyUSAID dark grey
usaid_lightblueUSAID light blue
usaid_lightgreyUSAID light grey
usaid_medblueUSAID medium blue
usaid_medgreyUSAID med grey
usaid_redUSAID red
vikingviking hemsworth viking aka baldwin scooter_med
wapo_dbluewapo inspired dark blue
wapo_dmauvewapo inspired dark mauve
wapo_dorangewapo inspired dark orange
wapo_lbluewapo inspired light blue
wapo_lgreenwapo inspired light green
wapo_lmauvewapo inspired light mauve
wapo_lorangewapo inspired light orange
wapo_lorange2wapo inspired light orange 2
wapo_lpurplewapo inspired light purple
wapo_pushpopwapo inspired pushpop orange
USAID-OHA-SI/glitr documentation built on July 5, 2024, 3:24 p.m.