Man pages for USFWS/migbirdHarvestData
Process USFWS Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program Data in R

cleanClean data
correctCorrect data
errorLevel_errors_fieldCalculate error-level errors by field
errorLevel_errors_stateCalculate error-level errors by state
errorPlot_dlPlot errors across download cycles
errorPlot_fieldsPlot HIP errors by field
errorPlot_statesPlot errors by state
errorTableTable of errors
fileCheckCheck for repeat files
findDuplicatesFind duplicates
fixDuplicatesFix duplicates
glyphCheckFind non-UTF-8 glyphs/characters in any field
glyphFinderFind non-UTF-8 glyphs/characters in a field
identicalBagsCheck for identical bag columns
investigateInvestigate data
issueAssignAssign decisions to records on how to process them using...
issueCheckCheck issue dates and license years
issuePlotPlot issue date errors
migbirdHIP-packagemigbirdHIP: Process USFWS Migratory Bird Harvest Information...
outOfStateHuntersFind out-of-state hunters
proofFlag errors
pullErrorsPull flagged errors
read_hipRead in data
recordLevel_errors_stateCalculate record-level errors by state
redFlagsPull bad data
renameFilesRaw HIP file name correction
shiftCheckCheck for frame shifts
shiftFinderFind frame shifts
strataCheckCheck state strata
strataFixFix permit strata
sumLinesSum lines of new data
validateValidate data
write_hipModify corrected data table format and write as csv
writeReportWrite an R markdown report from template
youthHuntersYouth hunters
USFWS/migbirdHarvestData documentation built on Nov. 18, 2024, 5:56 a.m.